You feel Insecure

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timidgirl790 requested this one a bagillion months ago at this point lol I'm sorry

Things in my life ought to be clearing up soon-ish, as for now, I have a few chapters for this story settled! 

Fair warning though, I feel like we're nearing the end. But all good things do come to an end sooner or later.  

In the meantime...I hope you enjoy!


Kisame: stomach

Usually this kinda thing goes the other way around. Generally it's Kisame, out of the two of you, that feels insecure. Although it's solely to do with his appearance rather than anything else. This is not to say that you were able to ignore your own shortcomings – or the illusion of such...

"I really don't see the problem" Kisame said with his arms crossed and looking down at you.

Well, the lump mass of blankets that contained you.

Let me explain... let me sum up

You had a teeny-tiny hangup. A small section of fat that decided to gather itself upon your abdomen. You have been stuck with the offending flesh since you were a small child, most likely from your life growing up. But, you never were able to rid yourself of it.

Thankfully, most of the time you entirely forgot about it – in day to day life that is. You were very careful about hiding it with your clothes when you first got together with your lover but as time went on, you slowly forgot about it...

That was until you started moving forward with your relationship.

Ie: him seeing more of your bare skin

"it's fat, Kisame! Of course YOU wouldn't see a problem you're not a girl!" you whine-screamed from your hiding spot.

Your tall boyfriend just scoffed softly at you

"AAAAAAAND you have like, no fat on your whole fucking body! It's all muscle!"

With a lack of response, you peeked out and saw him sitting beside the bed and just watching you with a strange look.

"look" you reached your arms out and yanked up his top and smacked at his abs "no fat at all..."


You paused and turned your gaze up, hair a complete rat nest, tears staining your cheeks and bright red nose. your gaze travelling from his sculpted stomach up to his own eyes and although they were downcast towards you – seemed to peer past or through you

"ki...kisa...?" you asked softly "k-h-hey!!" you shrieked as you were roughly ripped from the blankets and pulled tightly against what you could only ASSUME was your boyfriend.

You blinked confused but as the seconds ticked on and his grip refused to release...the tears quickly refilled within your water line and broke past the non-existant barrier.

You wailed loudly like the little girl you weren't anymore.

"Cry as much as you need."

Was the quiet response you received with the simple comforting motion of his fingers combing through your hair

"b-but it's ugly...!!!!!" you wailed into his shoulder

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