Your family lives (prt 2)

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part 2 of 2

the other like half of the 22 pages

i still can't believe that it was that long XD


"-it won't be that long..." you mumbled following Kakuzu around the room as he replaced everything you had just put in your bag

"you're not leaving" he grumbled

You groaned but continued to follow like the little duckling girlfriend that you are.

This all started because you were sent a message from your older sister, via Tsunade-sama, and was sent right to Pein then to you.

Being so stoked about hearing your elder sister was safe and alive, you rushed to Kakuzu and immediately told him before rushing off to pack a bag.

"you said you watched her die, therefore it's a trick" he urged the point while you made faces behind him

"but what if she did live? I didn't exactly stick around to bury her or anything" you pointed out stubbornly "what if she's been looking for me this entire time?"

"it's highly improbably, that's what it is" he grouched

"then you should come and prove me wrong"

Your boyfriend stopped in his tracks and turned, as if he were made of gears instead of those stupid ass strings.

"what...?" he asked softly

Didn't he hear you?

Urgh! That man!!!

"if you're so sure that this is a trap...then you should come with me. You can make sure that you're the first to say 'I told you so'" you repeated the fact crossing your arms

"....but" he started but paused and carefully studied your expression

"well, you going to say no now?" you asked holding your hand out for your bag

The 5 hearted man glared at your hand for a good ten minutes...

Then your bag landed in your open palm

"don't expect to be getting any special treatment if we do, in fact, find your sister living" he grouched grabbing his own bag

"oh no, never~" you teased starting to re-pack your belongings for the trip.

The trip wasn't as bad as you had originally feared. Thankfully the land of your clan's home wasn't all that far from the Akatsuki base. You still had to deal with your delightful boyfriend's never ending grouching and grumbling. The continuous 'well, if she were alive...this would have happened' and what not.

You, in full and utter honesty, were so over it...that when you saw the village gates of the village hidden within the grass...well...

You almost dove and jumped for joy

Curiously...upon entering you were met with two young children. One, a little boy, no more than 3 while the other, a little girl, was about 5.

"hello, we're waiting for someone" the little girl with braided pigtails greeted

"oh...? Who are you waiting for??" you asked curious meanwhile you could hear Kakuzu scoff behind you

"don't bother those babies" he grumbled

"we're waiting for (name)!" she smiled brightly at you "mama said not to forget...but its hard to forget that name!" she giggled "mama is so silly, she forgot that its my name too!!!"

Boyfriend Scenarios: AkatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now