Canon Reality: Living in the Leaf

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2 more bonus chapters after this one~

I'm not sure if this will be done by Xmas or whether I'll be ending it in the new year - either or, the end is near ! 



You were getting along pretty easily in the Hidden Leaf. Between your sweet disposition and your connection to Lady Tsunade you were always, at the very least, treated politely. For a while, others were skeptical about you and your slowly growing bump. But since you only ever were kind and helpful to the best of your abilities, most caved into you.

Tsunade had 3-4 jounin that would routinely visit you. Not all at once mind you, and while they had their normal missions to deal with, checking in on you and assisting you were some of their tasks. Yamato and Kakashi were two of the said Jounin, having met you previously and been the ones to bring you to the leaf. You also had Izumo and on occasion a man named Aoba.

You didn't mind either way, although you tended to stick much closer to Kakashi or Yamato.

"You sure bought a lot of things" Yamato mused carrying 3 out of the 4 bags. You wrestled one bag from him stubbornly earlier.

"Well, I need groceries...and stuff for the little one..." you added a bit embarrassed

"that's true. Are you going to be alright, doing this all on your own?" he asked gently as if tip toeing around what he really wanted to ask

"I have Tsunade-sama and Shizune who will help me if I go to them. And you and the others check on me...between those I can do it" you answered easily but after a pause, added "even if I'm really scared...I have to see this through"

Yamato glanced sideways at you but said nothing more on the topic. Instead, he helped you into your apartment. The closest apartment building to the Hokage's estate.
You hurried to put things away and take them from the wood user, although he definitely told you 3 separate times that he had nothing else to do that day and that you could take all the time you needed.

As time passed, there was quite a lot of troubling things. Pein attacked the village, although you were evacuated by a young orange haired kunoichi before you could be harmed. Then when rebuilding began, there was talk of war. Your two favourite babysitters had to bid you farewell for a time, which wasn't good for them with your response being filled with raging hormones. Then most of the ninja left for the war. You still wondered how Itachi, Konan and Kisame were...but with the 'Akatsuki started war' you assumed they would no longer be on this planet for much longer. 

Just before Tsunade left, she visited you briefly with Shizune and explained which medical staff you were to go to if you had any trouble and said staff were ordered to give you the same treatment they would to Tsunade's own daughter (if she had ever had one)

And then you waited.

Waited for your new friends to return, waited for Tsunade and Shizune to come back, and waited the birth of your and Sasori's baby.

After the fiasco of finding out about carrying your lover's baby and the puking out of a window thing...Tsunade set you up to be 'taken care of' by a group of rotating ninja.
You didn't mind, after a while (and that you were no threat to the leaf) they warmed right up to you. Izumo and Kotetsu were pretty funny and even when one was assigned to keep tabs on you, the other generally followed. Genma was a bit stiff for your tastes but he also had moments where he was far better suited to helping than the others and on occasion, you'd be assisted by a ninja named Iruka.

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