You Put On Makeup

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Kisame stared wide eyed at you as you stood next to the bed. You decided to surprise him since he had been on a lot of missions lately and were in a cute little nightgown.

But this time you decided to curl your hair a bit and put on some make up. Blue mascara made your lashes complement the aquatic colour at the bottom of your hair (ombré blue aqua colour halla xD). Dark plum lipstick and a similar colour coating your lids smudging out making a smoky eye...

"i...think...i just died..." he breathed out throwing everything he was currently holding then scooped you up and carefully laid you on the bed.

well, THAT worked xD


"hurry the fuck up!" Hidan yelled from the other side of the bathroom "what's with bitches and taking so damn ass long in the bathroom...?" he asked himself aloud

"sorry, sorry" you laughed softly opening the door.

Hidan didn't turn around and walked to the door opening it only turning to you as he grabbed the door knob

"you better b...e...." he suddenly lost his words staring at you for several moments.

you blushed shrinking under his gaze

"what? Gonna bitch about something?!" you huffed your ruby lips frowning.

Hidan lost it.

Next second your lips were mushed with his own and you were laying on the bed with him over you. His shirt already gone and the door slamming close...


"MOVE ASIDE!" Deidara yelled as you walked down a busy street "prettiest girl in the world coming through, oh and her boyfriend" he laughed adding almost forgetting himself.

you blushed as you were dragged along towards the resturant his hand clamped tightly around your own.

"d...deidara im not the prettiestgirlin the world" you mumbled quietly

"of course you are! and that make up just makes it stand out better!" he grinned looking back at you to admire the mascara that made your lashes long and doll like

"oh Dei..." you smiled with a giggle


Itachi was currently cuddling you. You had decided on a whim to put some eye makeup on and thus the cuddles.

Well there wasn't JUST cuddles, your ear was being filled with sugary sweet nothings about how gorgeous you looked.

"Gorgeous...just gorgeous~" he purred kissing your temple


Kakuzu looked up from his book (assumedly about bookkeeping and money) when you called him. He stared at you from your bed as you stood in the bathroom doorway with makeup around your eyes and on your cheeks.

"..." he stared in wonder then shook his head and half glared at you "is this because i told you no about getting a puppy?"

"no. but now i wish it was" you pouted your eyes beading with tears of wanting to keep the little fluffball you saw in the window of that pet store. That was when his breath hitched

"come here"

you shrugged but did as asked.

Immediately you were pinned down

"I'll take you to your favourite resturant for supper then you can pick a movie to watch...alright?" he asked kissing you.

well, make up seemed to help with using money...considering he is willing to splurge on you suddenly.


Sasori is the one that asked to put the make up on you.

He used your brushes, after you explained which was for which, and he started. However everytime he got one thing done he'd blush and hug you tightly.

By the end of it, Sasori had decided that the masterpiece that was you wearing makeup needed to be shared with the universe. Thus dragged you out for a night on the town.


Tobi didn't notice at first. But when he did, he decided he wanted to be pretty too. Thus fake eyelashes were glued to his mask.

All night he kept tiltling his mask to kiss you then would giggle about stealing your lipstick from your lips.


Zetsu, after seeing you with make up on, decided to try and match a flower to the exact shades of your eyeshadows and lipstick.

He was extremely diligent. He stayed focused the entire time until he was sucessful. Then, he gushed about how beautiful you looked. 


Because I hate wearing makeup everyday, I fell like it ruins the effect. People don't seemed awed by natural beauty being enhanced then you are forced to put more on to be noticed.

Also, I adore my Urban Decay "Disturbed" lipstick (pretty much descriped it in Kisame's)

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