Their Nightmare

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Guys halp, I'm starting to run out of ideas. If anyone has an idea please feel free to share/request. I just don't want to put a 'asks you to marry him' out quite yet. after that I have a feeling I'm going to just get into family stuff and it just get more and more scarce or harder to write.

I'd also like to say quickly how sorry I am for having so little for Zetsu and Tobi but I am sincerely trying. Sometimes I've had the entire part done but it doesn't get published for weeks to months because I'm trying to figure out what to write for those two. Most times I give up and I really am sorry for those who came here to read about them.

Plus when we get into the whole settling down affair, there will most likely be spoilers from the series ^^;



Some would think the large blue man, sometimes called the monster of the mist, would never have anything to worry about that could form a nightmare. You'd know those people to be dead wrong.

Now, Kisame didn't have a nightmare all that fact over the almost year and a half that you've been an item there's only ever been 4 that you could remember. He often would wake up startled and would try to convince you that everything was fine. On the seldom time he woke himself out of said nightmare without waking you in the process, he'd go to the living room and not return to bed.

So when you had woken up in the middle of the night to rough jostling of the bed and incoherent mumbling, you woke yourself up and looked to your man.

He was drenched in sweat and was moving quite a bit.

"kisa" you called out gently and moved a pillow to shield your hand as you tried to snap him out of it. Last time he woke up violently and had bit you accidentally and wanting to avoid the dramatics of the whole thing decided some fluff would be your armor.

It took some time but he finally snapped out of it and quickly looked about gasping

"w-what...?" he breathed out still in a panick

"you had a're okay now" you smiled leaning over and kissing him sweetly

Quickly he wrapped his arms around you protectively

"don't leave okay? Just stay here and do go ever" it was more of a plead than a command and your gaze softened even more hearing desperation in his tone.

You had an idea what the nightmare was about now...


You frowned staring at your lover tossing and turning with a pained expression on his face. It hurt you to see him in so much distress...

You were sure that those that were enemies of the Akatsuki would think that someone like him with his quirks would sleep like a fucking baby- okay maybe he usually did...but he had bad night's too...

"hidan" you called out softly still mostly asleep yourself

He mumbled something incoherent back to you and bit his lip drawing blood and turning into his skeletal form. You knew it was a really bad dream for that to happen

"hidan, come-on wake up" you woke yourself up more and grabbed his shoulder and shook it.

His arms lashed out swatting and clawing at whatever monster he was seeing and started to scream

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