They Meet your Family (Modern AU)

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since i think that there would be no point to this in the canon of Naruto

THey're Akatsuki and you can't really go anywhere without it being dangerous

So I don't think it would really ever come about lol


- was extremely awkward for the first hour or so

- your family was a little judgmental at first...but warmed up to him after he started to relax a bit

- definitely took you saying something stupid and catching Kisame off guard which lead to him cracking an odd joke for things to mellow

- your father figure cackled while your mother figure groaned

- female members of your family ended up complimenting his kindness or genuine feelings he'd share to their questions of your relationship

- male members teased him a smidge but it was put to an end by your mother figure giving the 'mom look'

- the younger family members kept asking him to carry them on his shoulders or lift them as they held onto his arms

- your family was skeptical right off the bat

- regardless of HOW GOOD Hidan was trying to be

- definitely stubbed his toe on several furniture and DEFINITELY made a rainbow of curses leave his mouth

- female members were first mildly approving of the good looks, but the moment the colourful mouth opened...seemed to avoid his company

- male members were half and half. Some seemed annoyed by his 'peacocking' while others just shrugged it off

- your father figure was quite the gatekeeper over you and drilled the jashinist with a hundred questions

- your mother figure stood behind him with her arms crossed watching your lover carefully

- younger family members were escorted to the other room with a kids movie to drown out his poor words

- most of your family thought he was a girl at first

- he was able to win your family over with some time

- the female members were eager to see this art and ask about his hair care routine

- the male members were quick to make jokes until he showed off his exploding art. Then they were all into the 'awesome' explosives

- your father(figure) was skeptical. Despite how awesome the bombs were, if this boy could take care of his little girl

- your mother (figure) was a little less impressed but noticed how he looked at you and seemed to melt at that

- fam couldn't believe how well behaved, kind, sweet, and thoughtful he is

- this man straight up swept the whole family off their feet

- the female members (mom, sister, aunt, grandma, etc) were just so head over heels with how respectfully he treated you

- meanwhile the men of the family (dad, brother, uncle, grandpa, etc) originally thought he was too pretty but then realized he was honestly incomparable

- your father(figure) straight up asked him to marry you someday

- any of the younger family members present were instantly magnetized to him. Like Snow White and animals except Itachi was flocked by children.

- your mother(figure) made a quiet comment how sweet your kids would be

- fam was surprised how mature your lover was and couldn't even understand how you two got along

- female members were impressed by his seemingly gentlemanly behaviour, although you knew better

- he got along swimmingly with the male family members older than you extremely easily

- definitely did NOT get along with any of your younger family. This made the eldest female member raise a brow at you over it

- you would explain the grouchiness later

- father (figure) made a joke about him taming you, which Kakuzu found funny but you were very much ready to throw down

- fam was a little put off by your lover...but the mood changed once they recognized how he melted staring at you

- female members took to teasing and giggling about your aloof and mature boytoy

- male members were trying to sus out if he was REALLY in it for your happiness or not

- father figure drilled him on the intentions of the relationship

- mother figure made a few silly comments such as when the wedding was, how many kids you were having, how cute your kids would be, etc

- the younger family members were testy about whether they liked him on not...but a quickly made craft task seemed to turn the tables for him and put him in their good books

- he ended up being stuck with the young'ins being demanded to draw, make, create different items or animals

- he seemed to not mind in the least

- your family had a hard time understanding your relationship

- Tobi was just so loud and childish

- it kinda seemed more like you were baby sitting than in a loving relationship

- older family members were flat out fed up within minutes

- younger family members were attacking Tobi and demanding he play with them

- your father figure told him to grow up at least 6 times

- your mother figure tried to help by saying 'well, it wont feel so bad when you're old...'


-refused to meet your family 

- like at all

-the best you got was a phone call between them

-your father figure was VERY concerned

-your mother figure tried to smooth things over

-lowkey thought you had 2 men over on your end of the phone

-was very concerned for your safety once they figured out that both voices came from the same man

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