Canon Reality: What they left behind

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so the silver lining for the canon reality was that they left a little surprise behind for you...unknowingly lol

I'm sure you guys can guess :P


When you were first left to the care of the leaf ninja, Kakashi and Yamato, they were very polite and true to their words, brought you right to Tsunade.
It was a bit of a walk, but nothing that was laborious to you...and thankfully it was dark out so the, what you assumed was, countless villagers eyeing you being sent straight to the Hokage.

"Thank you" you mumbled softly as you walked between the two

You could see the surprise in Yamato's body language as he seemed to turn towards Kakashi

"Lady Tsunade said you were a friend" Kakashi answered quietly "we take good care of our friends here in the leaf"

you nodded in agreeance

Swiftly you were brought up to the Hokage's estate and when Yamato opened the were greeted with the sight of Tsunade waiting for you.
She was sitting on her desk in what looked like a robe for the home, nothing about her looked official.

"(name)..." she called out gently opening her arms as soon as your gazes locked

"t-Tsunade-sama...!" your eyes welled up with tears and you dove for her embrace, face in her chest as you wailed like a baby

"o-oh..." she blinked surprised but quickly hushed you "it's're here with me now" she nodded to the jounin, who took their leave that very moment, and with the sounding of the door closing you were left in the comfort of the sannin.

She had managed to calm you down after a while and the two of you sat up all night talking. You told her everything, save for what was sworn in secrecy like your kekki genkai, and she patiently listened to the tale.

She apologised for being suspicious of you the last time you were together. You told her you weren't even upset and that you understood.

By morning, when Shizune showed up, you realized that the two jounin had been standing outside the entire time. Shizune fawned over you as soon as she saw you and once again you were brought to tears.

However, it was short lived...

"ghk...!" you gasped as you held the garbage bin still

both women called out to your worriedly until the questions flooded your attention.
You blinked having zoned out in the middle having been overwhelmed.


"you are NOT pregnant" Tsunade grouched "I did NOT agree to this"

meanwhile you huffed and Shizune chuckled nervously holding onto the test

"lady Tsunade, we have to wait 2 more minutes...please be patient"


"uh-oh...." Shizune gasped

"REALLY?!" You beamed ecstatically

"I did NOT agree to this..." Tsunade whined

After your conversation with Tsunade, she immediately freed you from the cell the leaf ninja tossed you into. You didn't really hold it against them, you just wanted to find your own way...instead they decided for you.

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