To the movies!!! (Modern/Irl)

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Kvzia13 thank you for the idea!



Buys the BIGGEST popcorn bucket

Like, you don't think that they even make them that big

The hell did he get that from???

Gets you seats in the back cuz then nobody will have to try to see around him

Ahww so sweet

Also gets there early and leaves after the credits

He doesn't want to bring more attention than he has to

Tries to pick something you want

...but you can see he's really eying that action flick


You get to see what he wants

Or you have to bribe the man

You want to see a chick flick?

He better be getting some tonight in exchange

Will still make fun of the movie even after the bargain has taken place

Gets the messiest food cause its 'the best food in the dump'

If the movie gets an ending he doesn't like he demands to sacrifice the idiot that sold you guys the tickets

Tries to get you to sit in his lap in the theatre

Totally will try to cope a feel or get you into saucy moments if the movie bores him


Wants the action flick but is totally fine with the rom com or the mostly childish movie

The more art in the movie the better

Think like 47 ronin and braveheart

Action and pretty

Buys you any candy or snack you want

Only buys one pop and insists they only had one cup left at the time

Totally did it on purpose so you'd have to cutely share with him

Also bought the biggest drink cuz he's not stupid

Totally cuddles you in the theatre the best those seats let him


Lets you pick whatever you want

He doesn't have too much of a fuss about what you watch

Its more about spending time together than him watching something

Totally cuddles up with you or holds your hand the whole time

Any candy or snack you want

Totally likes the family movies and the dramatic ones

Memoirs of a geisha? He's glue to the giant screen

Totally whispers how pretty you'd look in the cool outfits the main girl shows up in


Complains the entire time

Fuck the popcorn its expensive

How much for 2 tickets?!

Why is the pop so expensive?!

The seats are too close for the price he paid

The movie should have been cooler for the money he put out on this silly adventure out of the house

Totally gets you more or less what you want though

Doesn't care about the movie at all

Just trying to appease you


Loves the historical dramas/ period pieces

Tries to not make it obvious

Its totally obvious though

Buys you whatever you want so long as it doesn't look unappeasing

Probably not getting nachos my dear

Holds your hand the entire movie and bumps your head with his gently a few times to make sure you're still good

Is entirely fine with watching 2 movies in a row

One history and artful the other fun and playful for you

So like something like The Dutchess then something like Guardians of the galaxy






Superheroes are also acceptable

None of that sad bullshit

Nah uh

Not for this giant 4 year old

Talks during most of the movie though


Doesn't like movies but goes for you

Likes the more cartoony ones than the live actions

Perfectly happy with suspense and horror

Gets mad at people when they point out his clearly different sides

Tries to scare the children talking nearby so you can enjoy the movie

Also eats and cellphones he sees light up during the film

Dunno what you want from me

Fuck those cellphones in movie theatres


ya know...other than the horror...i feel like i strongly resonate with Zetsu - for once. 


do NOT use your damn phones in the theatres. 

those who do are disgraces to the human race. and the movie gods are displeased XD


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