Accidental Hit

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I do NOT condone hitting in a relationship or am in any way tolerant of it. This piece was requested to be a "when they hit you" and I couldn't do that. This is the closest I can do (sorry to whom requested (btw I cannot find you plz message me if it was you!)). I grew up with a lot of siblings so accidentally getting hit or ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time which ends up getting you hurt is not something that I'm unaware of so that is what I turn the request into. Plus, I mean, it's the ninja world sometimes accidents happen in the midst of battle.

If you are in a relationship that you are being hit by the other party(parties), then please seek help. It is unhealthy and dangerous to your well-being!

Again, that said, this chapter is about the reader accidentally being in the way at some point or another whether in a fight against enemies or through messing around or the character not seeing the reader and moving in a way that accidentally ended up in them hurt.


You had been cleaning and moving things around the room. Well, not just the room as everyone was in need of a simple move around and all the housing furniture was being moved around or repainted. Just a good ol'clean and repair day. There usually wasn't a day where everyone was at the base at once so Pain pretty much HAD to take advantage of this.

"Kisa...? Have you seen the hammer???" you asked head down looking through the toolbox that was be the bed and not seeing it you stood up and turned towards the blue man to find said hammer.

"huh??" he asked turning around to face you.

Now this is where the problem stemmed from.

As he had turned his body, not just his head, to face you while still holding the kotetsu table in his arms and you had turned as well as stood at the same time....well...


"mother FUCKER!" you screeched holding your forehead feeling blood trickling into your palm

"SHIT! (name, I am SO sorry!!!!" he called out immeadiately and uncaring to the furniture tossing it out of his arms and quickly scooping you up and rushing to the first aid kit


I see this is an ongoing problem....

"oh shit, I'm-I'm..." Kisame trailed off entirely flabbergasted as he had misjudged again and your head hit the side of the doorway

"that's it...I think I see the light..." you sarcastically teased although truly feeling faint


You were used to Hidan being pretty oblivious of his surroundings when not in battle. He tended to accidentally bump into you or reach for something you were handing and accidentally grab your boob...although thinking back...half of those might not have been accidental... had grown to give him his space...what you weren't expecting was this time.

You had been sent to meet Kakuzu and Hidan halfway home after a rather awful mission that left them at one point being ambushed, and although easily defeated the enemy and made it out, were a big jumpy.

Not that you were todl of though.

You were simply told that Hidan was having a hard time and you were being sent to calm him down when he reached the half way mark as to not draw more attention to the hideout's location than there had already been recently.

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