When You are Sick

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"how you even got a fever is beyond me" Kisame grumbled as he pushed you back into the blankets "stay okay? you cant follow me around today"
"nuuu...! not fair!" you huffed pouting in annoyance
"(name) you have a fever, that means sick ones stay in bed" he half heartedly glared at you. you only stuck your tongue out at him
"im fine! Ive had a fever before, its no big deal" you said launching out of bed only to be dropped right.back into it
"i dont think so missy"
"dont take that tone with me...you sound like my mother" you huffed the last bit being said under your breath. You were promptly tossed back into.bed, practically glyed to said bed with the blankets and a cold cloth dropped on your face
"i'll be back in twenty minutes with soup. if it even looks like you got up, youre in trouble" kisame warned as he walked out the door and began to close it
"yeah, yeah,whatever MOM!" you yelled in some sort of revenge only the door was slammed halfway into your rant


"okay, so it says to just make you soup and make sure you sleep..." hidan grumbled to himself as he read a book about dealing with illnesses
how or where he got said book was a question yoh werent willi ti ask
"hidan...? im fine i just have a stomach bug" you mumbled rubbing your eye still cocooned in your blankets
"(name) youre sicj and by Jashin,i swear youre gonna get better!"
you stared at him as if he lost his mind before bursting inti a fit of giggles
"w-whats so funny?!"
"oh hidan, youre so sweet"
"but youre taking care of me" you grinned "thank you"
"just shut up, a sick bitch is a worthless bitch" he grumbled but you just smiled brighter.


"I told you drinking and eatjng that much woukd do this"Deidara sighed holding your hair as you puked your brains out. Somehiw youd gotten food poisioning
"s-shut u-urghp!!" you cut yourself off vomitting again
"...you keep puking like that and youll puke out a lung or something"
"that cant happen"you grouched sniffling tears streaming down your cheeks from puking up everything
"gimme a sec." Deidara said quietly as he put your hair in a bun on ytop of your head quickly to keep it out of your pukjng disaster then left the room.
a few minutes later as you sat beside the toilet exhausted, deidara returned with a water bottle and crackers.
"drink the water and when youre done puking try eating the crackers. I can hear your stomach growling already"he huffed then patted your head
you leaned into his touch
"lets wash your face" he mumbled grabbi a cloth


"(name), i told you to stay in bed" Itachi huffed trying to cook as you clung to his leg like a child. Your arms and legs wrapped around his right leg pouting and sniffling being sick as a dog meanwhile Itachi was shufflimg around the kitchen dragging his leg and attempting to get rid of you
"but its so lonely up in beddddd" you whined clinging tighter
"(name), i was just up there. not even ten minutes ago"
"thats like ten million years to me!!!" you comolaimed dramatically
"ten million huh..." itachi raised a brow glaring down at you
"mhmm.." you nodded with your best puppy dog eyes
"...." itachi sighed caving "alright go sit at the table at least, and go wrap a blanket around yourself before you get sicker. i need to finish the soup"
"OKAY!!" you grinned ripping yourself away from him and rushing to find a blanket
itachi watched you smiling
"oh (name)..."


"-take this medicine too. And i dont care if it tastes gross you have to drink it. it cost me way too much money"
"...."you pouted with a groan
"you cant stay sick forever you know, its a real pain inthe ass taking care of you" he grumbled
"im sorry" you.mumbled
"dont be sorry,take the medicine"
"dunt wanna"
"take it"
kakuzu then drank the medicine and kissed you forcing you to take it
you stared blushing
"i think i need more medicine"
kakuzu narrowed his eyes at you beforeleaving the room


"-and this one will get rid of fever if it happens. I want you to check your temperature every two hours. and-"
"Sasori, ill be okay. You are just gonna be gone for 6 hours. That's nothing."
"but youre sick" he frowned
"i am, but its not like i havent been sick before...You know before when i got sick i had to take care of myself entirely...right?"
"i understand, but Im here now. So i take care of you"
"well its only 6 hours" you smiled
sasori looked at you pouting obviously torn between leaving you and doing his very short mission.
"ill be okay" you reassured kissing his cheek
"Fine. its not like ill get you anything either"
"wouldnt dare to dream" you laughed softly


Tobi was actually sick too...
So you actually spent your time sick...taking care of him.
"Tobi feels badddd" he whined over and over
"i know tobi" you sneezed "i got soup for us"
"(name) is a good girl" Tobi sniffled but cuddled you rubbing his mask against your shoulder
"(name) is a sick girl" you grumbled
"tobi make it better!" he picked you up and cuddled you again tucking you inti.bed and grabbing the soup "say AHHHHHH" he sounded like he was grinning. blushing you opened up your mouth
and so tobi took a turn taking care of you


Zetsu...was on a mission. When he came back you werent sick anymore. (lol srry)


Sorry, I did all of this on my cellphone so theres no correcting or even underlining the mess ups.

Also, sorry about Zetsu...i couldnt figure him out in that scenario


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