Canon Reality: Your Baby

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Alright everyone, first and foremost...

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Blessed Yuletide. 

Today is the first day of Yule for me, which is my personal xmas celebration. As such I decided today was D Day if you will...

Which moves us to point two...

This is the last chapter for this book. 

It's been a long run, we've had a lot of fun and tears. This story has been fun and stress to me, ngl, lol

I have very mixed feelings over the end of this...on one hand, I am relieved because it's completed. On the other, I feel a tad sad that I don't have anything left to add lol

Without further ado...

Ladies...I present you...



Regardless of his new missions, Yamato made sure he always went home to you before he went to his own place. After several 'break-in' surprises, you just gave the poor jounin a key. Usually, he'd check on you and your baby then head to his home. If you were awake, he'd spend time with you and or your child. But if you were asleep, he'd leave a note. You have told him he could just stay countless times, but the wood user was quite stubborn saying that it wasn't right to impose on you.

It had been a couple months of the new ninja society, under Kakashi's rulership in the leaf. Your baby was coming along nicely and healthily. Much to your happiness.

"Akihiro~ look at mama~" you cooed shaking a rattle

your red head son promptly looked towards the window grinning

you pouted

"Aki, baby, mama wants a picture..." you complained childish

only to see Yamato waving in the window

"ah, your favourite is back" you huffed softly

walking over you hefted up your son, and in the same stride made it to the window and opening it

"you know, Akihiro loves you way more than me and its a serious crime"

Yamato just chuckled embarrassed but quickly took the little redhead from you and made smoochie noises at him.

Much to your son's amusement

"this is my point"

Yamato only grinned at the response he got

"considering I terrify a lot of my partners, don't blame me for revelling in this" he said smiling

"you'd think you were the parent, the way he acts" you sighed leaning in the window frame "he hates me, I swear"

"he does NOT" Yamato shot back quickly "he loves his mama"

"news to me" you pouted further

"listen, he might LIKE me because I'm strange and goofy looking, but your his mother. He has the same bright eyes as you and the same silly, sweet grin...and he easily brightens the room he's in just like you"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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