When you get an idea of the plan

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heads up, this is a bit sad - sad ish

meh i don't think its needing a warning but heads up lol



it was late at night. You and Kisame had gone to bed hours ago...but you couldn't sleep. The situation of the Akatsuki and the little snippets of conversations you've heard over the time you've been there were plaguing you. You weren't a shinobi and you wouldn't pretend that you knew how a proper shinobi's life worked...but you were pretty clever.
You just didn't see a logical way to put the pieces together that made sense...and the ways that didn't make sense-well, you weren't sure what you'd do if they were the case.
tiredly, you rolled over to Kisame who was sound asleep on his back and bapped him a few times on the bicep. It took a while to safely wake him up, but when you did he glared at you sleepily

"why...are you waking me up?" he sighed out with his one eye staring at you, the other firmly closed in hopes to go back to sleep

"I cant sleep"

kisame loudly groaned throwing his head back into his pillow. This wasn't the first time those dreaded words tumbled out of your lips, and Kisame knew damn well he now wasn't sleeping until you were.
Rolling over to face you, he pulled you close to his body and snuggled up
"alright what is it this time..." he grumbled quietly

"what's going on now?"

sleepily confused Kisame turned a bit to look at you
"what do you mean?"

"the missions...I keep overhearing things that I probably shouldn't in all honesty...uhm" you whispered curling into yourself a tad. you could feel his lips twist into a frown against the top of your head. "i...I just...I'm not stupid, but...it doesn't make sense. I'm worried"

the blue skinned man pulled you closer, almost bone crushingly so.

"(name), am i the only one you've said anything like this to?"

"huh? well duh...I know that if I'm getting into trouble that you'll at least try to get me out of it. Those idiots would just push me in and laugh as i drowned in it" you scoffed

but your heart sank into your intestines feeling your lover pull you even tighter against him. your head against his chest, you could hear the nervousness in his heart beating.

"you need to keep this to yourself. Only say something to me if you absolutely have to. Nobody else can know what you're hearing and piecing together." he said hushed but rapidly

"what? how come?" you said in a complaining tone but quickly added as anxiety set in "are they...are they going to come after me for knowing something...?"

you were in disbelief. There was no way...

"Pein ordered us to not say anything to you, that was one of the conditions of your existence here. If its broken, then you become a liability to the akatsuki. Even if the others didn't want to, they would be forced to hunt you down"

your eyes wide and teary you latched onto kisame tightly, fear gripping you more than your curiosity ever had


Kisame's hand found the back of your head and pet along your spine to your hip before making its way up backwards in attempt to soothe you from the news.

"just stay quiet and I'll worry about that later...try to go back to sleep"

"-churiki was so fucking awful. I mean she at least was pretty to look at but like fuck! What crawled up her ass and died?!" Hidan ranted

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