You Get Hit On

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"-so why don't we head to my place?" the unnamed male cooed reaching for your arm
"uhm, no thanks. I already-"
"come on sweet cheeks youll have more fun with m-"
the male stopped short a shadow looming over you from behind. His face paled in fear and his knees knocking together
Kisame loomed behind you, despite your knowledge him grinning his sharp shark like teeth and glaring down full of malice.
"i uh...gotta go..!" with that the man ran like his life depended on it...and without a doubt did.
you shrugged and turned around to see Kisame beamjng down at you
"kisame~♡" you grinned happily "when did you get here? youd never guess what just happened!"
"oh yeah?" he snickered


"WHOAH. WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH. the FUCK do you think youre doing?!" Hidan yelled grabbing the guys shirt
"chill out man, i was talking to the lady!" the unknown male yelled back
"yeah, MY LADY. Not yours." Hidan immediately punched him in the face and sent the guy flying.
"h-Hidan??" you blinked shocked almost
"Don't worry (name), Im gonna beat the snot outta this fucker for even gazing at you!"
and with that? the scyth was out and soon? your unwanted 'admirer' was in a puddle of his own blood


"oi, (name) is mine you scumbags" deidara glared wrapoing his arms around your shoulders and kissing your neck as if to show off to the other male who stood blinking in front of you.
you, however, were blushing embaressed by the ordeal
"she, with you? you look like a little girl!" the man laughed grabbing your hand and tugfing yoh towards him.
"WHAT DID U JUST SAY!?" Deidara pushed the man grabbdd your shoulder and pulling you into his chest "get lost, or else youll become my favourite art form" he growled throwing a clay spider onto the ground and lolling his hands tongue at the man.
the man only now freaking out, deidara laughed the spider chasing the man as he screamed in fear
"was that necessary?" you asked quietly
"absolutely" deidara grinned


Itachi glared from the bench at the sweets stand as you were trying tk order some dango for you and.himself. The cashier currently making a very heavily noticable pass at you.
"ah, no im okay...just the sweets please" you sweatdropped
"excuse me, Ive come to collect my love" itachi grumbled darkly wrapping his arm around your waist
"eh? but i thought we were getting sweets" you blinked
"the only sweet i need is your love (name)" he cooed softly kissing you
you almost tripped over from the unsuspecting passion in the liplock
"a-ah...okah Itachi...if thats what you want" you smiled blushing darkly before turning and practically skipoing out
"look at her again and ill rip your eyes out" itachi growled at the cashier before turning and quickly catching up to you


"hey sugar t-"
"what did you call me?"
"-how much?"
you blinked scrunching up your face in the process
"how much?!" you yelled loudly
so loudly in fact, your lover on the other end of the store heard.
"yeah comeon skank, with a body like that you definitely put out"
"EXCUSE ME?!" you stared at the pervert before you
"sorry, asshole. This ones not for sale" Kakuzu grouched grabbing you and plastering you to his chest "and she belongs to me. take your whoring elsewhere swine"
the man looked over at kakuzus arm where his string appendages were squirming in the air.suddnely creeped out the male spun on his heel and walked the other way quickly


Sasori glares then without your knowledge uses his puppet chakra strings to attach to your would be persuer and thus making the male act out. Including dropping his drawers in front of you.
Which followed by you screaming and punching him in the mug then kicking him in the balls.
"PERVERT!!" you yelled then turned and ran into your boyfriends arms "Sasoriii~" you whined teary eyed
"whats wrong (name)? did something happen?" he asked tone filled with concern
"im okay now...youre here!~♡" you cooed happily kissing his cheek and cuddling up to him


Tobi growled and threw a stone at the unwanted admirer.
"ow wtf little brat?!" the man yelled chasing after Tobi trying to attack him. Much to his expense as Tobi was VERY good at dodging attacks
"HIYAH!!!" you yelled grabbed a stool and bashing the man over the head.
"ow" the man mumbled collapsing
you dropped what was left of the stool and rushed to Tobi
"are you okay (name)?" Tobi asked wrapping his arms around your hips and pulling you to sit on his lap as he laid on the ground
"yeah im okay, are you alright?"
"yes, Tobi is good. Tobi is a good boy!" He grinned, you could hear it in his voice


zetsu...zetsu ate the guy.
not much to tell...he watched from a distance then when you squirmed away and escape he killed amd ate him.
bye bye xD


can i just say...i suck at writing Zetsu...

im sorry

Boyfriend Scenarios: AkatsukiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora