When You're sad

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Kisame heard your sobbing from the livingroom and practically broke down your door when you didn’t answer. But when he found you huddled up in your comforter holding your pillow and watching a movie…well…

“I thought someone was hurting you…” he sighed and growled something under his breath before setting his sword down and making his way to you. Your aquatic looking boyfriend unwrapped you like the precious present you are and turned off the movie.

“I was watching that…!” you hiccupped grabbing at the remote

“no, no more sad movies” he sighed tossing the remote off into the room he put your arms around his neck then wrapped your legs around his waist and after somehow adjusting the bed without dropping you, he sat down and warpped you both in the blankets. He left soft kisses to your shoulder until you calmed down.

After that, Kisame hid all the potentially sad movies from you…


“who the fuck made you cry?!” Hidan screamed running out of your room to kill one of the guys. You had to chase after him to make him stop. Hanging off his arm as he waved the other with his sythe in hand.

“h-hidannnn…!!!” you cried loudly holding him tightly “stoop!! They didn’t do anythingggg!!!”

Once he calmed down, hidan practically dragged you off to your room and threw you in the bed only to quickly cover your body with his own.

Henceforth, all crying was subject to first, an angry outburst, then some ‘fun time’ to ‘comfort’ you.


“shhh~ it’s okay, like…uhm…yeah!” Deidara grabbed his clay and made it into the shape of something you hated…for example Spiders. He then imeadiately blew it up letting it become a sparkle of colour and fizzing sounds.

“…” you hiccupped tears will full in your eyes

“come-on, (name)…~” he cooed softly “how about I blow up a kakuzu?” he grinned trying to get you to laugh knowing how much you and the stitches man didn’t get along

This time he earned a soft sob-gasped giggle with tears still spilling from your eyes

“finally~” he grinned hugging you and setting off several small kakuzu clay figures.

Therefore, everytime you were sad…Deidara blew up as many kakuzus as he had to, to get you to laugh.


“hey, come here…” Itachi called pulling you from your hiding spot within the mountain of pillows you called your safe spot.

“uwahhh…i-itaaachiii…” you sobbed

Your smiling boyfriend reached a hand in and gently pulled the pillows away to cuddle you. He wrapped you up in his arms and petted your head. He continued to comfort you until you calmed down then cleaned oyu up.

Cuddles seemed to cure most sadness spells


Kakuzu found you sobbing in bed when he came back from a mission and stared. He wasn’t entirely sure what to do so he just started talking. First it was about the mission, then random things…then it turned into his normal bitching about money…

Your tear stricken form stared at him unbelieving before you whacked him in the head with a pillow.

“god! Youre such an ass!!” you screamed before locking yourself in the bathroom

Kakuzu stared at the door before standing up and leaving


He returned not too long after. What he returned WITH was what surprised you. When he reentered the room, you were still crying and had gone back to the bed. He walked over to your glaring form and dropped the grocery bag next to you.

“what’s that” you grouched in a hoarse voice

“I’m not good at comforting, so I bought you these” he grumbled quietly.

He kneeled in front of the bed and reached into the bag. Out he pulled several interesting items. A stuffed bear, a tub of icecream, chocolate, flowers, Kleenex, and a fluffy blanket. You raised a brow at him as he imeadiately wrapped you up in the blanket like a taco and sat you on the bed as you were before. He put on a movie he noticed you really liked, pulled out a spoon and handed you the bear. And just as you were about to question his actions…

“there, there…” he mumbled awkwardly as his hand slowly and softly patted your head

Let’s just say, this became a habit after this time…


Emotions were disliked and fairly hard for Sasori to get used to. Most of the time the blasted things irked him to no end…ESPECIALLY CRYING. So when Sasori heard the door slam open and you rush in with streams of tears cascading down your cheeks. He was annoyed and confused. Even more so when you rocket over to him and dive into his lap…effectively knocking the puppet he was fixing out of his hand and onto the carpet.

He glared at you for a long time as you cried into his wooden chest. He absolutely hated when you messed with his puppets. It was one of the biggest rules between you both. But he gave in and sighed. He’d forgive you this once. His wooden arms circled around your form and rested on your heaving back. You continued to sob, much to his dismay. But you always seemed to be fairly reasonable so he figured it’d be best to wait it out.

Once you calmed down enough he only asked you one simple question.

“what’s wrong?”

And so you told him.

After that, Sasori figured out you actually preferred to just cry it out rather than be hushed. And when you got all the emotion out of you and calmed enough to control yourself…you’d talk. And your puppeteer? He would sit with you, always touching you in some way so you knew he was there, until you finished then would listen to what triggered the event.


Tobi most likely would end up crying with you and just curl up and eat icecream and other junk food until you felt better.

(sorry I really can’t see Tobi as Tobi being very comforting…if anything he’d be like a five yr old comforting someone…and that normally isn’t much more than getting overwhelmed and ending up just being company XD)


Zetsu wasn’t normally one who would be around many people…and those he was around, being the Akatsuki, never really cried. If at all. So to say Zetsu was at a complete and utter loss for words or ideas to help you…well, it’d be an understatement.

He stood awkwardly nearby you as you cried for a time then walked away almost as if he were made of stone rather than a plant. And after some time he came back, carrying a bunch of your favourite flowers. He wasn’t sure if flowers were something you give to crying women…but they were your favourite and always seemed to make you really happy. So at the very least, he figured, they would make you smile. And he thought, if he could at least get you to do that…then the crying would cease soon after.

He was mostly right. You were happy about the flowers, they made you smile. Only now you were smiling and crying. It was a rather strange sight so Zetsu gave up and sat with you holding your flowers for you while you calmed down.

He imeadiately begged you never to cry again.


really really late but not forgotten. i got one and a half more written so theres more on.the way!!!

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