When You're Angry

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Now, Kisame was a big guy. No denying that…


Kisame was damn near terrified of you when you were angry.

And I mean ANGRY. Not pissed, mad, or even ticked off… all of those he knew how to steer away from easily and fix things. But not ANGRY.

Like the time he accidentally broke this old keepsake of yours from before you came to the akatsuki. You never gave him an explaination of what it was, even now, but he knew from your reaction that it was very important to you. He figured it was something that you were given by your family.

He vowed after that to always make sure your anger stayed in controlled portions.

That was…until he refused to let you come with him on this really REALLY big important mission.

After he told you no and saw your expression change – hell he could feel the air change! He grabbed Itachi’s cloak and booked it out of the hideout so fast you would have thought that a crazy out of control fire was chasing him…

Oh wait…I guess it was…


Hidan was a fan of your anger. He thought it was smoking hot. Although, at times it kinda was…REGARDLESS! He loved pissing you off to no end. He made it his daily ritual…wake up, say something to piss you off, eat, get dressed, piss you off, try to bed you, piss you off…etc, etc…~

There was something about the way your face darkened in a deadly way yet your eyes lit up in such a fashion that make his skin crawl – in a good way. He ADORED your angry faces. EVERYTHING about it.

Although, the few very unlucky times he had really made you mad…he partically regretted it. Like the time he made you so mad you almost left him, the akatsuki, and told the enemy their secrets. Pein, in fact, made him swear to never piss you off that much. But boy did he like walking the tightrope with that fine line between mad and super mad.


Well, to say that deidara feared your anger was wrong, but to say that deidara liked it would also be wrong. Deidara didn’t like you mad. Especially when that anger was aimed at him. He did like to annoy you at times, as he DID find it funny…however, it was all fun and games until you got from annoyed and irritated to pissed. When you got to phase two in your anger scale…well you cease contact and communication with the blonde. And he HATED the silent treatment. Even worse that not talking was when you pretended he wasn’t even there.

He would tolerate and be able to withstand a while of it. But sooner or later he’d find himself on his knees in front of you desparate for your attention and promising you anything you wanted.


Because of who Itachi is, you rarely got more than annoyed or irritated at the raven haired male. Itachi disliked fighting, verbally, emotionally or physically, with you at anytime…so he tried his best to make sure both his and your own needs were easily met or compromised between your sides.

The few times you have gotten really angry…they were generally fro something big that Itachi, even, couldn’t stop. He’d try to appease you during those times…being overly nice, giving you things your way, perhaps doting a bit on you…he really just wanted you to go back to being calm and wanting to cuddle all the time. None of this ‘look at my side of the bed and I’ll gouge your eyes out with spoons’ thing.


Kakuzu was fairly used to your anger. He generally pissed you off often. Not always on purpose, although a good chunk of the time he would admit that he could have done something to easily steer away from a route that’d leave you in anger….but that he didn’t care if it had cuz it was what he wanted.

He never purposely pushed you far into your mad state, but he wasn’t entirely going to apologize for what happened if he didn’t want to.

So…angry you, was just something normal for Kakuzu.

Nothing he deemed to be an emergency.


Sasori was better equipped to deal with your anger than your tears. You got more violent as your anger rose. So when you were really mad you’d end up fighting with your wooden boyfriend as if you were fighting the enemy. Sasori didn’t mind it too much, since it got you moving around and he got to try out his newest puppets. Although, he much preferred your stupid grinning face covered in melting chocolate – not that he’d tell you that, mind you.


Tobi cried. Tobi was scared of you beyond reason. And when he even THOUGHT you were angry, he’d blubber and beg you to forgive him. But because of his playful and sometimes teasing nature, Tobi quite often would get you irked. So these happened many a time.


Zetsu would get angry back. If you yelled, he yelled louder. If you punched, he punched harder. If you kicked his flower bed outside…he threw you out of the hideout and took your key.

…and refused to let you inside. Or let the others let you in.

He really would get mad worse than you most times…

So honestly Pein, most often than not, would have to step in to fix the issue before you bit Zetsu and Zetsu ended up eating you in spite.


for some reason i can write these but nothing else lmfao

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