How your pregnancy goes

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Like the previous chapter, the fact that the reader is pregnant and having a child is a continued situation. If you don't like, don't read. 

That said, there is also talk of minor complications in (if i remember correctly) 1 of the scenarios. If that upsets you, please ignore it when you realize it. I tried to give a wide variety of different kinds of pregnancies while also keeping it on the "nice" side. There are some whom have very difficult pregnancies and because this is for fun, I chose to leave that kind of experience out of it. 

Regardless, Enjoy~



- Is a nervous WRECK

- He tries so hard

- What do you need? Where can he find it? You don't know? ITACHI WHERE CAN-

- Always asking you how you feel, almost annoyingly so

- Tries really hard to learn everything he can about pregnancy and childcare

- Doesn't always sleep properly from nervousness – what if they don't like him?

- Constantly asking Itachi for help or his opinion

- "you had a little brother, you should know how this works"

- Itachi is thoroughly amused by it though


- Is uber concerned and doesn't know what to do

- But also doesn't want you to know about it

- Is super embarrassed that he doesn't know but even more so embarrassed that you might find out that he's actually trying to learn about this stuff

- You cannot find out under any circumstances

- Top priority, uber duper secret mission – biggest and most important one of his life

- Complains whenever you ask him to do ANYTHING for you

- But will do it all the same

- Is not good at anything though

- Heard from some old lady that ignoring cravings was better for the baby and tries to argue you...but after you start crying then he rushes off to get the food that you asked for


- Is so wishy washy, it's painful

- He's either so excited he's damn near screaming or he's so nervous and depressed that he can't function properly

- He'll be so pumped he's gloating and boasting and has diarrhea mouth with all the facts he's learned about the whole process

- Then he's so guilt ridden that he can't do nothing more than sob on your lap and constantly blubber out sorry after sorry

- In short, he goes through more mood swings than you ever could

- Tries his best whenever you need help though

Boyfriend Scenarios: Akatsukiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें