How You Wake Him Up

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Considering Kisame is awake before you a good chunk of the time, you only got to wake him up when he ended up in one of his death like comas. In those situations, you cuddle closer and try to sweetly wake him up.

You know the whole calling him or kissing his neck gently...

Yeah, doesn't work for the big brute...

You still try and every time it doesn't work you get annoyed. To the point you comically look like a pink singing puffball that's songs end up putting those to sleep.

That's when you climb on top of him, scaling him like a mountain, and begin smacking his back or chest (depending which is facing up at the time) and or coaxing Samehada to dive on top of him and steal chakra. That generally wakes him up in a startled disposition.


You wake up, pissed, 'cause of course he's in the middle of the bed and has all the blankets. You rip the warmth and fluffies away first and then swiftly put your frozen feet on his back or side.

Hidan screeches like a little girl seeing a giant spider and falls out of bed.

He then threatens your life and screams for a good half hour...


Deidara can be woken up all fairy tale and romance movie like.

You cuddle closer, give him a few kisses and or call out to him softly and he'll come around.

He'll lazily open just one eye then the other and a melting smile will grow on his lips as he cuddles you closer sighing into your warmth.


Usually ends up waking up feeling you watching him sleep. You didn't get to be up before him save for extremely rare occasions and as much as you always plotted a million cute ways to wake him up where he'd just re-fall in love with you that very instant...

you always ended up sighing happily and staring at his adorable sleeping face.


The only time you get to wake Kakuzu up is if he went to take a nap.

To which is a very strict in manner. He gets comfty and demands you wake him up at some point before a certain time.

You used to be cute about waking him up...gently 'drawing' on his chest and cuddling up to him, and all that jazz...

But considering how he wakes you up every morning?

You resulted to making the biggest noise you can make.

This includes your favourite way – banging the wok against the turkey pan as hard as you could.

Effectively scaring the shit out of the old man every time.


Sasori was always so gentle about waking you up, so you always tried to give him the same treatment.


And oh boy did you try.

But the few times he actually slept in or had taken a nap and you were left to wake him. You always ended up getting too wrapped up into trying to think of the cutest way to wake him up and ended up klutzing.

Maybe you walked into the wall as you were pacing and thinking, or tripped on a piece of clothing – who knows...but regardless Sasori would awaken half startled by a loud bang and you whimpering on the floor with tears in your eyes.

Not that the puppet-man was too annoyed about it, he thought it was cute how you were so accident prone.


The times where Tobi refuses to leave the bed are the times where you've had to wake him up and not in the nicest of ways. Considering he usually wakes you up in a rather sudden or a way that scared the ever living crap out of you, you didn't even feel the slightest bit guilty for jumping on the bed and screaming to wake your man up.

Or just blasting music loudly and scream-singing to it as he whined about it being angry and loud and to shut it off.

That's when you'd turn on megadeath...


Unfortunately, you never get to wake up your two sided man...

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