When He Comes Back

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It was deplorable, the months that you were forced to live without your beloved giant of a man. You slowly became more and more detached from the others as your missing him became too much for you to handle and as such you’d spend most of your time in your shared room cuddled up with one of his shirts.

So when the door opened, you growled angrily thinking that Deidara had come to try and convince you to come out again.

“fuck off Deidara. I don’t wanna leave my room. And NO I don’t care if it’s gonna be another like five months until Kisame comes back. I’m waiting right here and that’s it”

Your bitching was only met with a deep chuckle though – which only irked you further. Turning your head to scream and bitch louder your lips were hushed mid breath by another pair of lips.

You let out a small whimper recognizing just who it was as you heard him groan softly

“i-I missed you…!” you sniffled turning into a blubbering mess as your long ‘lost’ boyfriend wrapped his much larger arms around your small frame pulling you into his chest before he dropped onto the bed

“I missed you too…I’m sorry you waited so long” he mumbled kissing your temple gently

“you’re home early!” you giggle-hiccuped as tears flew down your cheeks in happiness

“yeah, I’m home” Kisame grinned cuddling you happily



You were fine, really you were. Well, for the first three months at least. During that time, the fact that Hidan was gone was fairly easy on you. Once you got over the fact he was gone, you actually laid back and relaxed finally able to do entirely what you want without him bitching about something not being done or he did something that you then had to fix. For the first three months that is.

After that, as if a button was hit, you became increasingly violent and bitchy. Well, more so than normal. You terribly missed the perverted asshole you had come to adore. The others tried their best to stay out of your way, knowing that it was all aimed at the fact that Hidan was left – therefore he was the one you were really angry at. But as the months dragged on your anger began to fiz down…until you moped around in an almost robot like state. You didn’t eat much and worried constantly – which lead you to terrible nightmares and that led to insomnia and anxiety.

It got so bad that Pein had made the others keep a close eye on you, and every two days you had to spend the day glued to another member’s hip practically as you were starting to make the leader of the Akatsuki nervous that you’d do something moronic and drastic.

Tonight you were laying in bed fast asleep until nightmares launched you into a fit of screaming bloody murder. You somehow recognized your door being broke down and warmth wrapped around you. Someone was screaming to you – but you couldn’t hear them.

“fucking hell! Wake the fuck up!!!”

Your eyes, shot h=open and focused on dark violet eyes as you imeadiately bgan sobbing like a child

“hidaaaaaaannnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!” you wailed clinging to him

“fuck!” he yelled falling into bed and on top of you “heh, if you’re that eager to jump my bon-“

“you died again!!!” you sobbed into his neck your body wracked with sobs and was shaking terrible

“…you know I can’t die (name)…” he sighed softly petting your hair and kissing just under your eyes in a (for once) sweet attempt to hush you “damn, you turned into a mess after I left…huh”

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