Captured By the "Good Guys"

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So the ambush to get you, and you kekki genkai, failed. But SOMEHOW you were kidnapped from the clutches of your beloved and the rest of the Akatsuki. Now you sat bound to a chair in a cell underneath the hidden leaf village.

“tell me everything you know about the Akatsuki and their plans. Then explain your bloodline’s power” a voice called

Your eyes burned at the harsh light blinding you as you winced and coward away from it

“what’s going on?!” you (yelled/whimpered) in reply

A loud thud sounded as the bar clanged together and a female’s angry face came into view

“damnit (full name). Just tell us the information. I don’t want to be the reason why your clan goes extinct” Tsunade growled but her face was pained.

Tsunade had originally met you and your (relative up to you who) when you were only 5. She visited a few times on her travels meeting you again when you were 10 and 15…but your (relative) had perished – committing suicide so that Orochimaru could not gain the secrets of your clan.




When Kisame woke up and you weren’t in the room he thought it was strange as you usually slept later than he did…but shrugged it off because you did, on the odd occurrence, get up due to nightmares and went to watch movies in the livingroom.

But when he could not find you there or anywhere else in the base…to say he was worried was an understatement. He first thought that you had left him, probably due to his appearance or from the event the other day when he went bananas on the guy who attacked you. But you had assured him greatly that it didn’t change how you felt in the least.

That’s when he noticed a strange kunai next to your side of the bed. And since the only thing missing was infact you – not even your precious stuffed animal was taken with you, he knew. You had been taken by force.

“where are you going?” Itachi called out to his partner as Kisame stood in the doorway to the hideout

“I’m going to find (name). I think the leaf took her” your blue hued man growled before turning and leaving

“at least take me with you. I can get you in there quieter” Itachi grumbled following the giant male on his rescue mission



Hidan woke up only a few minutes after the ninjas had successfully kidnapped you. His arms shot out to grab you in his sleep and after patting your side multipule times, searching for your body in his sleep, he cracked open and eye. When he didn’t see you, he peeked around before resulting to calling for you. Which after no answer for ten minutes became swearing and name calling.

Kakuzu slapped him holding leaf kunai – Hidan screamed bloody murder before charging to his room to get his scythe



Deidara whined in his sleep and wiggled to your side hoping to bump int oyou and be able to sneak his arms around you for comfort due to a strange nightmare. But he ended up falling off the bed in his attempt. Sitting up alarmed to not find you – he then rushed around the base looking for you. After stumbling back into your shared room, did he find the kunai peaking from the side of the bed.

“those….BASTARDS!!!” he yelled grabbing as much clay as he could carry before busting into Sasori’s room “danna! Help me get my muse back!”

“what…?” Sasori grumbled looking like Dracula emerging frokm his coffin as the redhead sat up in his bed

“(name) has been pretty-napped” Deidara frowned before rushing out to get out ASAP, sasori trailing behind him



Itachi felt the disturbance in the force and imeadiately sat up knowing something was wrong and out of place. And not seeing you, he quickly examined the entire room. Quickly finding the kunai and looking it over – he knew exactly who’s it was and where it was from.

“getting cheeky…taking my love after all they’ve forced upon me.” He then hurridly got ready “they will regret taking you from me, (name)”



Kakuzu found the kunai quickly and imeadiately took it to Itachi recognizing it as a leaf ninja tool. Once it was confirmed he busted Hidan’s door down and dragged the tantrum throwing white haired male out of bed, literally, and filled him in as he dragged them both around getting ready at he speed of light to return you to his arms

“wtf man, just go get her yourself” Hidan bitched

“I might need you to kill some nisances while I care for (name), unless she is harmed…in which you will watch over her while I make them rue the day they were conceived by their great grandparents.”



Sasori wasted no time. After he searched the room and base efficiently, he found the kunai and gathered his things. How dare someone touch your perfect form without his permission?! Not that anyone would have gotten his permission anyways but the point still stood.

“they better hope that there is not one visible makr on her perfect skin – especially her face. They will all die slowly and painfully if such is the case…” he growled darkly already plotting how he was going to kill the leaf ninja for harming you and thinking of ways he could comfort you.

Perhaps icecream, a movie and some time in the blankets would suffice…?



Tobi screamed like a little girl, rushed around the base screaming your name then broke into EVERYONE’S rooms in his search earning him several large bumps and bruises. When you didn’t turn up even then, he tearfully called Deidara and both searched your shared room again. Upon finding the kunai, Tobi screamed bloody murder and, grabbing deidara’s hand, rushed out with the blonde screaming and cursing behind him




Zetsu walked back into the room around noon to find you missing, conversing with himself, he decided that you must have had already gotten up for the day and that you were somewhere in the base. So he set out to find you – to no avail. He then searched EVERYTHING thrououghly. When that didn’t work and only gave him a kunai…he asked a favor of one of the others and found it belonged to the leaf

He sped over roaring in anger.

How dare they take HIS flower.


So yeah, this is the back story bit i was trying to say last time.

So you have some sort of kekki genkai (up to you what it is) and onl you and a relative were the remaining clan members. You now being the last. Tsunade knows you from travels and Orochimaru going after your clan secrets.

this still gives you freedom to be whatever kinda ninja you want, from wherever you want and have whatever bloodline power you want xD

and all the while giving us a chance to make a tiny bit of backstory!! Yay!

plus it makes more sense why ur in the group. most of them are one of a kinds or seem to have few clan members

hope you like and stay tuned for more!
i got up to 23 planned but yet to write


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