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so we left on a rather nice cliff hanger for the family lives parts...so I decided to get a bit more family time in there before I moved on~

this was 18 pages in word.... so I might have to make it a 2 part as well if it feels too long...



You followed the memory to a door, to which Kisame pushed it aside once more and revealed a surprised old woman.

Long hair tied back into a bun and then the excess trailing down in a single braid, the woman – mid sip, looked up at you with squinted (e/c) eyes

"well, do you plan on gawking there all day...or are you going to sit with your grandmother and introduce me to this friend of yours?" she raised a brow "I didn't raise you to be so rude"

It was a playful remark but nonetheless you rushed to sit down and dragged your poor boyfriend for the ride.

"Grandmaaaaaa~!!!" you cried out and partially jumped across the tiny table separating you from the elderly woman.

Kisame immediately grabbed your collar and kept you from actually making it across to her. He was still unconvinced that this was indeed not a trap set for you.

"my, what a strong man you are" your grandmother chuckled moving her cup to the side and watching him with a careful gaze

You pouted as you were dragged back to your sitting spot on your side of the table

"(name), please..." he mumbled quietly to your pouting face

You sighed but nodded

"how did you survive Orochimaru's attack?" you asked serious tone laced within your voice

Your grandmother finished her cup and sigh out deeply

"so suspicious~" she teased brushing her clothes down "you should know that man was no real threat to me on my own..."

"you say that...but I saw you fall in battle..." you mumbled crossing your brows

"there are many secrets to our kekki genkai that you are unaware of my dear. That was not my death, merely a fake out for that wretched snake."

You stared at the elderly woman for a good few minutes.

She certainly looked like your grandmother...

"would you like me to say something that only I would know? My little sunshine?" she smiled softly

You felt your eyes well up in tears as you nodded


The pet name was something only your grandmother called you...but you wanted to be sure enough to put your boyfriend at ease

"alright....well, when you were 5 you-"

You groaned in mortification. Your head was firmly planted on the table as your blush threatened to destroy you into a million shards. Kisame, was no help, laughing his ass off at the story he was witnessing

"-and that's when I told myself I would never let her go into a hot spring on her own...poor girl simply can't handle it!" she chuckled but now her story was through she smiled down at your flustered state "so, now that you are sure that I am, in fact, your grandmother...tell me who this man is with you"

Boyfriend Scenarios: AkatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now