Your Child

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Today I recieved one of the most, if not THE most, wonderful messages on here. More than being extremely flattered, but I also noticed that I had once again fallen into some BS...

I was planning on posting a chapter or two every other max 2 days in between. 

Anyways, I wanted to give her/him/them a shout out. 

No0neEscapesDeath, again, thank you


I have decided, to help me figure out what each pairing would get, to roll dice. Just like in Dungeons and Dragons lol

So I picked my new d20 (a suviner brought back from my grandma's recent trip) and Rolled!!!

Rules: If I rolled an ODD number, the couple recieved a boy. If I rolled an EVEN number, they got a girl. And if, by chance, I rolled a NAT 20 then they would recieve a 'bonus' lol just like in D& twins! (which ofc I then rolled odds and evens for the babies).

**NOTE**nobody gets to know what they're having before hand due to being in the hideout and most likely unable to safely get you to a hospital until the last moment if at all. So its up to you, reader-chan, if you'd like to have been within the confines of the base giving birth with Konan's (and probably Sasori's) help or in the hidden leaf's hospital under Tsunade's supervision and under top secrecy

That being said, let's go!!!!!



- Your child was actually on the big side while developing and actually decided to come a bit earlier than scheduled

- Which of course was TERRIFYING to Kisame

- But once your child was born, Kisame was so excited to see them that he was practically jumping onto your lap

- You refused to hold the baby first and insisted that Kisame got to since you held them for 9 months within you

- Kisame was super happy but then once he found out that it was a little girl he started to cry and make her promise after promise like he was competing with Santa's list

- The little girl was a bit bigger than most babies at her newborn stage, but other than that she was normal everywhere else

- She had your skin colour and the tiniest tuft of blue hair like Kisame

- Only time would tell what else she took after her father in


- You had a rather difficult pregnancy, no real big issues mind you...but your child just seemed to give you the worst symptoms they could muster up

- Your baby actually came a bit early due to you getting stressed out and thinking Hidan actually bit the dust for once

- So your baby was very, very small (not Gaara small though)

- You were the first to hold your baby but Hidan was hovering over you very curious

- Did not understand how come your belly was so big but the baby was so small

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