When they Confide in you

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probably the last one i'm posting tonight


It was just after your eloping. When your now husband said he wanted to share something with you. You just sat patiently and listened all the while ready to comfort as soo as it was needed.


You had just snuggled in against Kisame's bare chest with tired and heavy lids. Your earlier actions weighing your body down with exhaustion. When you felt something off. You just nuzzled your cheek against his peck assuring yourself that you were imagining things. Until Kisame's hand, wrapped around your waist, tightened briefly.

"(name)," he called softly "you trust me right...?"

your brows creased and you peeked at him. Although from this angle, you couldn't see much other than a clenched jaw and his face turned to the ceiling

"without a doubt" you drew out, confusion easily traceable in your tone

"And...I can trust you with what I want to say right?"

you sat up-er tired to but Kisame's tight grip held you down easily. You did turn in his grasp though and stared at him

"you literally just married me, I would hope that you could."

you could feel the chuckle rumbling behind whatever was bothering him

"unless you're going to tell me you were already married, have kids and have been continuously cheating on me...then you should run now"

again Kisame sputtered out a laugh and although wouldn't look back at you, had a clear smile on his lips

"do you know why I am here?" he asked and for a moment silence dominated the room

"well..." you sighed deeply "you never told me, but I've heard the odd remark. Something to do with killing someone you weren't supposed to"

Kisame shook his head, such a vague idea.

"When I was in the mist, I dealt with individuals who had high security intel for the village. Because of the situation, I killed them to keep the secrets safe. Which i was supposed to do if said situation happened." he took a deep breath

"that doesn't sound that awful..." you mumbled under your breath but reached your handover his body and twinned it with his free one.

His fingers laced with yours right away, and he continued after a moment.

"The man above me, who had given me the orders turned out to be handing out our important information-"

"what an ass!" you shot out suddenly then sheepishly shrunk back into his side with a soft 'sorry, go on...'

although you interrupted, Kisame was good natured about it nodding in agreeance.

"I couldn't stand the deception and manipulation. So I killed him, took Samehada and decided I was leaving." he tilted his face to look at you, although you couldn't see him very well for some reason... "I was asked to join the Akatsuki shortly after. Although there was some other events between, they're much less impactful"

you cuddled in closer squeezing his hand briefly, to get one returned to you

"I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me. I can't say I haven't wondered why you were here...but now that I know..."

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