Canon Reality: End of War, Brand New Life

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so while I'm only finding evidence that the war lasts only 2 days...but I feel like the threat of war and the 5 kage summit til the end of the war takes a bit of time. I mean Kurenai isn't showing when Asuma dies and then in a flash of memory during his fight with Asuma, Shikamaru thinks of Kurenai and her baby. Babies takes 9 months on average...sooooo...none of that makes sense in my brain lol

For the purposes of this, I'm saying that whole 'war' (5kage summit and imminent threat til Naruto's birthday and thus the end of the formal war) takes a month -2 months. So, while this is the 'canon reality' I'm using this as a good setting for that time frame between the last chapter and this one.

P.s. I'm thinking that the last bonus chapter (aka the next one) I will upload on the 21st. The first day of Yule, which is my Xmas celebrations :3


During the heat of war, you went into labor and ended up giving birth to your child. Relatively shortly after, the war ended and the ninja began pouring home to the leaf.
You were very anxious awaiting for your friends to return. Nobody had sent you any word so you were worried perhaps someone or none of them were coming back to you.
However eventually the last group returned, and all that were returning had done so.

Still only in the 'mother to a newborn' stage, you were TIRED.

The nurse that checked on you every 5 days, informed you at least a dozen times that although it was a stressful time...stress wasn't good for the baby.

"Please...please stop crying..." you complained softly tying your hair in a bun and slowly dragging yourself out of the tub.

only to hear your baby stop crying all together.

panic flooded your system and tripping over SEVERAL items in your home, you barged into your bedroom, damn near smashing your door off the hinges and just barely hanging onto your towel.


your eyes immediately met wide dark ones


you were flabbergasted!

"I...was calling you...but then I heard the crying...and uhm..." Yamato's face, bright red, looked back down at your baby in his arms and seemed to have lost words entirely

"Yamato!" you screamed diving at the man who squeaked in surprise and tried to lift your baby out of harms way- your way as you collided into him...

totally forgetting you were only in a towel, which now dropped to the floor with a wet splat

"(n-name)...y-your towel..." his words sounded almost painful as you happily rubbed your cheek against his chest

"I THOUGHT YOU WERENT COMING BACK!" you grinned wildly then peeked around, still forgetting about your abandoned towel "did Tsunade and Kakashi come too?"

"n-no...but...I think th-that was a blessing..." he grumbled


"n-not that I am any WAY upset to see"

you raised a brow at him confused but shrugged and poked your baby's nose

"whatcha think? turned out pretty cute huh?" you grinned happily


"hey, how'd you get the crying to cease? It's been non stop since-"


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