Your boyfriend

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you weren't the fastest, or smartest. The fattest, thinnest, laziest or most active girl. You werent necessarily awesome at anything. You weren't the prettiest or most popular but you were not ugly or a loser.

but you had one hell of a boyfriend who thought the world of you. Who was he? Well he was an Akatsuki member. Confused? Just how could you be romantically involved with a mass murder and world criminal?



Kisame wasn't as scary and terrifying as everyone thought he was...or how he made others see himself as. To you he simply was a funny, fairly kind man with a dark sense of humor. Not that you minded, you found his humor funny most of the time. He was just a big teddy bear honestly, well with you at least.

He was big, yeah no brainer, but that didnt make him scary. Sure his teeth were pointed and sharp, sure his skin was an odd colour compared to the majority of people, and sure he had a few other features about him that one might find unique and different...but to you, that's all they were. Unique and different traits. They werent scary, but in fact were part of why you love him. And if you wanna add in non physical traits, he was extremely loyal to those close to now included in that limited group!


Hidan was a big loudmouth that spouted mostly swear words and inappropriate innuendos...but he could be sweet when he wanted. He tended to be possessive, but you didnt mind. And yeah there was that odd religion of his...but after you asked him, on one of his better days, not to always cram it down your was fairly easy to work with.

Hidan was determined and passionate. No doubt about it. He just tended to go overboard in his passion for his Jashin-Sama pleasing. After you got used to the strange ways, getting along with the white haired man came pretty easily. You even got curious about his godly deeds a few times. Which made Hidan utterly ecstatic!


Deidara was extremely easy to get along with, so long as you didnt insult art. He was more than content doing just about anything so long as it was fun, and luckily for you he found most things you did fun and intriguing. He tended to have a short fuse for those who didn't appreciate art, called him a female and Tobi. Really just Tobi in general got the bomber pissed off.

But even when Deidara was angry, he didn't seem to stay mad long. That point was especially short when it came to you.  Deidara was creative but not to the point where mundane things in life bored him. A lot of times a movie and brushing and or styling your hair was fun to him.


Itachi was quiet and mysterious...seemingly calculating and studying your movements at all times. But he was one of, if not held the title of, the kindest man there. It took you some time to figure it out...but all that studying and watching you turned out to be his way of helping you out.

He was extremely thoughtful, although he always passed off his efforts as a whim or deny he did them at all. For example a glass of juice waiting on your bedside table for you in the morning, or your hair brush next to your favourite scrunchie\Barette.


Kakuzu, well most of the time he was a grouchy grumpy scrooge of a man. However that being his personality made how he treated you just all the more precious. The man littered in stitches was cautious around you, paying attention (even when it didn't seem like he was) to every thing you did, expressed and gushed about. If you seemed to mull over a certain object several times when you were out, you no sooner found it at home next to your pillow with a ribbon tied around it.

He was very frugal and careful with his money. But those protective and careful behaviours then moved onto you when you formally came into the picture. Dare I say perhaps even better than his money was?


Sasori, the puppet without feelings. Or so you would think. But such wasnt the case, at least not when it came to you. Sasori treated you delicately, as if you were a porcelain doll that would shatter with just the slightest rough behaviour. He was protective and constantly would give you a once over for injuries, although he tried to do so without you catching him.

Sasori also was, almost to the point of obsession, infactuated with listening to your heartbeat. As simple a thing it was, he adored it. Getting along with the red head was simple. Don't hurt the puppets, don't diss art and don't dawdle. Those were his biggest pet peeves. Although there were times where you tripping all over his rules...and surprisingly, you lived. Best of all, was that in those instances he checked your safety first. Then everything elses.


Tobi is a good boy. He really is. He always was considerate of your feelings, unless it was being sad or moody, and he always was upbeat and cheerful. Tobi was extremely easy to get along with, mostly because you didn't need to make much effort. Being Tobi's girl was effortless. He made all the effort, although you attempted to make a middle ground. Tobi just wanted to be around you and do what you loved.


Zetsu was a tad difficult to work with. Not because of his plant like nature, but because of his two very distinct personalities. Each one had different likes, dislikes and quirks. White zetsu was much easier to work with, whereas Dark Zetsu seemed to be more rewarding when you did manage to get along well.

Zetsu was very fond of you in general though, so he did always attempt to make things work. He treated you with the same care and adoration he would for those flowers that were having more difdicult a time blooming than others.


so after years and years reading fanfics ans scenarios for chars I have decided to try my hand at a few scenario fics. This one being akatsuki and i think I will also do one for some of the male servants in fate lol im nkt sure yet.



Boyfriend Scenarios: AkatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now