When you Notice Members Disappearing

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for the purposes here, your bf (regardless of Canon death order) outlives several characters. I'll be keeping the deaths in order other than your boyfriend. 

ex: Deidara's has him alive but Sasori and the zombie squad are dead.

In which case, explaining said living is left completely open so to not clash with the canon but also because its more work I don't wanna do lol


You had noticed it a bit ago. 

One by one, members were slowly not coming back to the hideout...so you kept an eye on it. Thinking they were on longer missions or had been captured - something like that. 

But after it occurring a few more times...you decided to ask-

"where did they go?"

Kisame almost jumped at the sound of your voice but still had a surprised air about him.
Looking around he saw your form leaning against the door frame to your shared room. You were already in your pjs and were clinging to the wood there, your eyes big and staring up at him.

"who?" he asked turning back around.

He hoped your wouldn't press it further. He tried so hard to keep you out of the akatsuki's business even more than Pain ever did.

but the dreaded words followed

"the others, Kisame..." you said softly "its...its getting so quiet here..."

He could tell you were worried, you easily got along with a good chunk of the missing ninjas and considered them friends. Well, logically speaking it would've happened at some point having spent so much time living with them all

"oh" he feigned surprise by your words "they ah, they each have different reasons for not coming back yet"


Kisame cursed in his mind, running a hand through his hair

"ah, well let's see..." he trailed off

"Deidara? Where is he?"

"Deidara huh...he uh...wanted to have a meeting with someone in the hidden stone, sounded like it was someone important from his past" he fibbed


"believe it or not, Sasori went to visit his grandmother"

at least that one was half true...

"...Hidan and Kakuzu...?" you slowly made your way over as he began

"well, to be fair...they never got along. Kakuzu probably went to grab some bounties and dragged Hidan with him as punishment" he forced himself to chuckle and turned to see you right behind him.

You stared up at him with worried eyes and fingers twisting the hem of your shirt

"and...what...what happened to Itachi...?"

Kisame frowned at his partner's name. He had gone back before he did and he wasn't sure what happened as of yet...But he had a decently good idea

"Itachi's only been gone a short time, I'm sure he'll come back soon" he said his large hands settling on your shoulders and rubbing small circles "we should get him some dango since he'll be so tired, don't you think?"

You didn't answer him right away...and instead, when you did, you wrapped your arms around his middle

"they're dead...aren't they?"

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