He busts you out (prt 2)

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And so a fight began over you. Tsunade punching and smashing anything nearby your beloved and your love fighting back in his choice style. Although the fighting was continuing, you noticed that he kept egging the fight further from your cell as to keep you out of harms way. You wordlessly watched on as your man and long time friend fought to the death…that was until you felt the sting of sharp cold metal grazing your throat.

“I suggest you cease fighting now” the terrible man spoke. He held you tight against his chest as your body began to shudder and shake, fresh tears beading in your eyes as you knew your tormentor had you in his grasp.

As if on cue, both Akatsuki member and saanin halted their fight before they both yelled your name glaring angrily at your captor

“Ibiki! Let her go now!” Tsunade yelled but the man’s grip only tightened and the bite of the kunai pricked your skin



Kisame’s eye tracked the thin string of blood trickle down your neck before he roared in anger. Completely disregarding Tsunade who stood in disbelief as he charged Ibiki’s way.

“I wouldn’t do that” the scarred faced man gloated “I might slip”

Kisame growled but paused in his movements

“I don’t think so!” Tsunade screamed as the ground quaked below. Ibiki stumbled backwards and you tumbled forwards, Tsunade quickly grabbing your arm and pulling you close.

As soon as you were away from your captor, your love rushed in. Samehada raised and yelling as he rushed at Ibiki. Tsunade jumped in with you under her arm. Her leg shot up and swiped Ibiki’s grounding as he fell back. The same moment she tossed you the akatsuki’s way.

“t-tsunade?” you squeaked confused

“take that!” she punched ibiki’s stomach knocking him out before turning towards the two of you “you better take care of my little (name)…or else”

Kisame grinned tightening his grip around you

“you got it”

And after the two shared a slight nod, before you were greeted by the light of outside



Hidan’s eye widened at the sight of your blood. Now, if anyone even had an inkling of who Hidan was, then they’d know how much blood excites him. But not this time. He could feel his whole body start to go numb before his anger kicked in, then his blood boiled. How DARE tha man cut HIS woman. Snarling he steadied his scythe-holding arm readying to launch it this Ibiki’s way

“I wouldn’t do that” the scarred faced man gloated “I might slip”

Hidan roared

“you better put her down right now you dickless asswipe!” Hidan screamed. Though, actions would speak louder than words in this situation.

“I don’t think so!” Tsunade screamed as the ground quaked below. Ibiki stumbled backwards and you tumbled forwards, Tsunade quickly grabbing your arm and pulling you close.

Without so much as a second of hesitation, Hidan and his scythe were up to the man’s throat and about to decapitate him.

“h-hidan!” you croaked out reaching for him

“what?! Not now (na-ME)!?” he started out bitching but when your body was launched his way he screamed diving forward to catch you. “oi! The fuck bitch?!” he screamed whipping his head towards the saanin only to watch her attack her own. Her leg shot up and swiped Ibiki’s grounding as he fell back and became a part of the floor with one solid punch.

Boyfriend Scenarios: AkatsukiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang