Odd Things He Does 1

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A/n:Just odd things your man ends up doing while in a relation with you. I put '1' because I'm sure I'll think of more.

This one is revolved around the idea of your personal hygiene!



Believe it or not, Kisame is really stubborn with you about brushing your teeth.

Since you were little, you weren't one to strictly follow a morning routine further than

'wake up, toilet, sit down in room, try to figure out what planet it is'

So at times, you honestly forgot to brush your teeth...but not with the giant man-shark around.


Brushing teeth was something he was very adamant about – which with such a killer smile (ehehe~ I so funny) you could see it...maybe just a smidge. You weren't one to floss – it was just too much trouble in your opinion...and that was the only thing Kisame would let slide.

Well, for most of the week. Two days every week you had to floss – that was the best you got to ridding the whole ordeal. Other than that, Brushing and mouthwash was a rule that might as well had been written in blood...



Yeah you heard me.

Despite all the gross, bloody and fucked up shit the Janhinist does in his rituals to dear Jashin-Sama...the white haired lover of yours was super anal about showers.

So much so in fact, most of the time he made you shower with him – especially when you all together refused to jump in. Showers were taken every other day, as per Kakuzu's complaining about the water bill the two of your were raking up – though Hidan was allowed to have a quick one after any ritual. So at least the angry old man saved you on that.

Sometimes you were like a cat and water was your most hated archenemy. Others, you wouldn't get out of the shower for a damn hour.

Let's just say, when Hidan joins...you're usually in there even longer.

I mean, it is Hidan we're talking about afterall.


The bomber was always asking you about your hair care situation.


Deidara was damn near obsessed with your hair.

It was one of his favourite parts of you, the (length, colour) tresses just made him grin and giddy.

Though, you could see the whole hair thing – considering how long and well care for his always is...



Itachi was always worried about your eyes and sight.

You wearing makeup?

He makes sure you have the proper stuff to cleanse the skin around your eyes with – not only that, but he constantly started asking you to be extremely careful when applying and where around your eye you would apply said makeup

Say GOOD BYE to liner on your waterline and colour by the corner of your eye

Insists that he cleans your makeup brushes.


Just about everything.

I mean, its Kakuzu.

Anything that may, might, most definitely and will cost him money to fix, heal or soothe is something he keeps tabs on.

Be that from lady hygine, to hair, to eyes, teeth, ears...the works

What did you expect?

He ain't spending his money unless you pretty much have a foot in the grave.


Sasori always tries to make sure your skin is in perfect condition

He once almost had a heart attack when you had a pimple.

He went immeadiately into something akin to cardiac arrest then began to incoherently mumble about the corruption in your beauty.

Makes you wash your face every morning and night as well as after a work out.

Will wash your body whether you want him to or not.

If he has to, he'll immobilize you then give you a sponge bath while you sit pouting and complaining in your panties in your shared bed.

He doesn't care what you think, he's making sure you remain flawless.


Tobi help?


Ha ha


No wait, Tobi actually likes doing your nails.

That's about it to be honest...

He's not very good at painting or pretty-fying said nails either

You always have to fix them afterwards


Idfk sorry XD


Sorry for being such a brat and not posting XD

I blame work. I now work pretty much full-time hours (at least for now, we just got a new manager so who knows if they will let me keep the hours)


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