Canon Reality: Carrying on without them

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this is the second bonus chapter~

It's still on the sad side, but we're working through the motions you'd feel if you were really there


life without Sasori was hell. You took to sleeping on the couch for a good week or two before you gathered the courage to return to the room. You had grown more attached to Hidan in those weeks due to his words the day Sasori died. And thankfully he had been genuinely looking out for you. You didn't quite understand assumed he had been in another situation like this where a woman he knew also lost someone and needed somewhere to turn to. But who knows.

Deidara had returned for a brief time before heading out with Tobi as his new partner. You were very against the idea and felt like Deidara was betraying your lover. The blonde also seemed less caring of the situation than you were expecting and wanting. Thus, an easy rift grew between you. Deidara didn't seem bothered by it at all, but seeing as you were once close with the bomber-it bothered you.

You spent a lot of time in Sasori's room, you didn't like calling it your room...since your room is where you and Sasori both belonged. But all that was left behind were memories. You eventually had some of the guys help you move the puppets and supplies out of the room...except for 2. One Sasori had recently started out of normal materials and a spare body puppet he had carved for himself. From your understanding he kept 3-4 at a time in case of a bad situation. But there was only one here, most likely the other 1-2 unaccounted were in his scroll with all those other puppets.

You used a little of the supplies and made it so that the body stunt double had eyes and didn't look empty and creepy. It now looked like a regular puppet that a puppet master would use...and while it wasn't your dead lover, it brought some comfort. You set it in the bed and curled up next to it and ended up crying yourself to sleep.


In the following ended up losing Deidara, Hidan and Kakuzu. Distraught to have lost the person you clung to again, you were approached by Itachi one night. Supposedly Hidan had a chat with the Uchiha and had asked him to help you out should Hidan be stuck with missions. The Jashinist had planned on sneaking you out and sending you to 'that lady' you enjoyed. Itachi thankfully had enough sense to make this entire conversation happen in a genjutsu so that prying ears could not hinder your leaving.

After some effort and time, Itachi managed to set up a rendezvous with a few of Tsunade's most trusted ANBU. Itachi was not to be there but had made sure you had all your things and essentially did a parent drop off for you, then after wishing you luck, escaped into the night.

You waited for the ANBU to reveal themselves and instead were approached by two leaf ninja – out of ANBU garb. One with brown hair and guards that lined the sides of his face and another with white hair and his protector sideways and covering his left eye.

"(name), was it?" the white-haired male asked with a smiling expression. He held his hand up in greeting while the other remained in his pocket

"We're Kakashi and Yamato. We have been asked by lady Hokage to escort you to the village and straight to her." 'Yamato' explained also with a gentle look

your tears beaded in your eyes as you nodded holding onto a scroll tightly to your chest

"was...that all your brought with you?" Kakashi asked slowly

you squeezed the scroll tighter
"I don't have much...not anymore. I brought necessities...and..."you looked down "a-and"

"you don't need to explain to us, we realize you were being use-"

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