They Propose (Modern AU)

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Will be describing rings not giving pictures, if you are unsure of the terminology...feel free to google the style of gemstone cut. The reason I chose this way, is because I need to work on descriptions but also because I feel like I can properly describe a ring that they would get you versus what actually exists out there right now.

Also, I wrote "gem of choice" since I personally dislike Diamonds and would like to give that same curtesy to all with the engagement ring being whatever stone you would prefer IRL


- took you to a fight or the movies

- if its at a fight, he got the one you liked more between the two fighters to call you out before he kneeled to ask

- if at the movies, had the projector guy help him out with the screen asking you to look over to find him kneeling

- hundred percent kneels

- is blushing so bad he looks like he's gonna fall over

- only stutters once, so proud

- says something self deprecating in there like "if you'll take someone like me" or something akin to that

- ring is princess cut diamond/gem of choice with two small almond shapes on either side in diamonds with a plain band

- looking at the either reminded you of flippers or little fairy wings, either way cute AF

- took you to a rock concert

- somehow got the band to pause in an interlude of their song to spotlight on you guys and give him the moment to ask

- kinda kneeled, gave up half way

- ring was square cut gem of choice with little red gems (rubies or garnet your choice) on either side leading away from the center

- definitely started cocky

- then turned red and got embarrassed

- the crowd cheered him on before he was able to finish asking

- swore quite a bit

- band got everyone to cheer for you guys

- fireworks display

- you definitely didn't hear him the first 12 times he asked you to marry him

- was so red and embarrassed he had to yank you onto his lap and force the ring on your finger before you understood

- you both were blushing messes

- you asked him if he was sure probably 3 times before you believed him

- sparkly band with little gems with your main piece being gem of choice cut to make a rose

- something beautiful, fragile and brief but this was one that in its rarity that would last
or so he said

- you think it was supposed to be his speech to you professing his love but got forgotten once he noticed yelling over fireworks wasn't going to work


Boyfriend Scenarios: AkatsukiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat