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Is usually your giant heater and pillow. His arm wrapped around your waist and usually your head on his chest or shoulder, that depends how much you crawled up in bed XD


Usally using you like a teddy bear. Usually cuddles from behind and his face buried in your neck so he can breathe in your smell all night long. if not then...well its a face boob sleep xD


Usually just asleep facing one another and or a leg or two being tangled in sleep


Usually pulled into his chest and limbs entangled as you both sleep


Usually his arm is your pillow, but he doesn’t like being cuddled all too much as he claims it gets too hot and then he can’t sleep. But you’re always someway touching one another so he knows youre right there


Usually you’re practically laid on top of him or the other way around, with him laying on you.


Almost always sleeping on you with his head on your shoulder (or sometimes the pillow) with an arm flopped acorss your chest


You’re the one using him as a teddy bear, he usually won’t face you when you’re asleep but voices no complaints to all your tossing and turning nad possibly kicking in your sleep trying to get comfy while keeping him close to your sleeping body


sorry it toom so long, been busy with irl lol been waiting for this one for a while xD

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