They're Jelly

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this one's on the long side lol


Kisame woke up to a peculiar was a strange banging noise. Being half-asleep he meerly rolled to his other side and yawning, grasped for you. But a perplexed frown etched its way onto his face as he grasped again.

Nothing still.

He swatted around your side of bed and STILL NOTHING. So Finally FINALLY he peeked open an eye to see the empty messy sheets that once held your form.

Groaning, he rubbed his eye and looked up leaning on his other forearm. The room was void of any other life. To this, he pouted. Where did his (name) go?

That's when he heard it again, the banging. Grumbling he got up, out of bed, nad teetered to the door. Just as he reached for the handle he heard your voice.

"H-hidan...!" you called out in a whine yet there was a slight purr to your voice.

That idiot flirt was putting the moves on HIS (NAME)!!!!

Kisame's face grew dark his brows furrowing and his lips twisting in a snarl. He ripped the door open a roar lodged in his throat as he started before him.

"oh! Morning Kisa!" you smiled with a sleepy-yet relaxed look on your face.

The large ex-mist nin's face exploded in a light purple hue as he smashed a face into his face.

"Babe? What's wrong??" you blinked before shivering and moaning softly as Itachi scratched your back.

Here, all this time, Kisame had though you were off doing...THAT...with Hidan. Instead, you were on the couch as Itachi scratched an itch you couldn't reach while Hidan was smashing into things trying to kill Tobi.

"Babe???" you called confused.


"haha! That's hilarious! I can't believe he did that!!!" you laughed

Hidan's brow twitched as he walked behind you ad his partner

"yeah, he's pretty stupid" Kakuzu chuckled as you laughed again

"I mean, seriously?! Who'd do that?!" you laughed loudly

Hidan growled just WHAT was SO damn funny?! This entire trip, all you've done...IS TALK AND LAUGH WITH KAKUZU!!!

You barely glanced his way, and HE was your boyfriend. NOT KAKUZU!

"hey (name)" Hidan grumbled

Not that you heard him, you continued to laugh to something his partner said

"(name)" he called again

But again you didn't hear him

"OI BITCH!" he screamed gaining both your and Kakuzu's attention and the two of you to stop and turn his way

"Hidan." You snapped "I am NOT a bitch. And I won't respond to you calling me such."

"oh and I suppose Kakuzu doesn't say that huh?!" he raged flailing his arms a bit in his anger

"no...?" his masked partner blinked before smirking behind his mask and excusing himself to go on a head without the two fo you

"Hidan, what the fuck...?" you crossed you arms glaring up at your lover

Boyfriend Scenarios: AkatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now