Night out (modern AU)

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so I have a few chapters set out here all done, but I WILL be doing scenarios for the Kohona Jounin!

I thought I would announce that here lol

That "book" won't be coming up on here for a little while, since i have to work on some chapters (I always like to get a small handful of chapters before i post something new)



~lets you win once, then later finds out he only can win sometimes with you

~bar and grill restaurant

~pays for dinner

~drives you around, unless you really insist

~casual clothes


~gets a bit too pissy if men dance near you and too excited if girls dance with you
~def buys you drive thru food

~goes halfers but sometimes mysteriously is 'short' money

~makes you drive

~barely wears clothes


~always tries to show off, doesn't always work out

~casual sit down like a diner

~goes halfers on the bill

~wants to drive one way and you the other

~mildly fancy clothes


~will win you any prize you ask for

~sit down proper dinner

~pays for dinner

~he'll drive if you want or let you if you want

~mildly fancy clothes (but doesn't matter he looks good in literally everything)


~does not hesitate to obliterate you with strike after strike

~cheapest food. Drive thru or food truck

~tries to make you pay, will pay if you show up without money

~makes you drive, your gas spent not his

~casual clothes (his casual, all nice clothes)

~movie theatre

~generally lets you pick but gets a bit huffy puffy if you pick an annoying or boring movie

~mom and pop restaurant

~pays for your dinner

~you drive, he's tired

~casual clothes with a big hoodie

~playground hangout or drive in

~doesn't like being near others that aren't the guys but wont stop you from talking to others you bump into

~food truck food

~you always half to pay cuz he never has money

~offers to drive but you wont let him

~total mess of clothes, you're lucky they match

~park or forest walk

~shows you the best paths, flora and scenery

~brings a picnic

~no money involved but if you did get something somewhere, he'd pay

~drives and gets salty if you want to drive, but on occasion lets you

~casual clothes


Sorry that this is short, but I wanted to keep the "night in" and "night out" similar 

There are a few more to come tonight~!


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