Surprise mother *censored*ers! You're pregnant! prt 1

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Had to make this a two part cuz it was stupid long lol

Request/Present for the cover to Miss KawaiiSleepy

In which case is a dream induced by genjutsu or sleep where you/bf are in the 'future' and youre preggo

Your stomach felt heavy and you were extremely uncomfortable. Groaning you rolled from your side facing the side of the bed onto your back. Which felt even WORSE! It felt like an elephant was weighing your lungs and stomach down. Whining in discomfort you turned again to cuddle against the love of your life. But even cuddled up to him, you felt HORRIBLE! So dreading the world, you opened your eyes...


Yawning you sat up with a large pout. You weren;t happy and for some reason sitting up was a chore and a half.

"ngh...go back to bed..." you could hear Kisame groan flipping himself over in the bed and swatting at you.

You wordlessly glared in his direction rubbing an eye. Feeling a rush of air on your stomach you looked down to find the end of your pjs and replace them on your middle.

But what you were met with was not your stomach.

You screamed but no sound left your agape lips

"k-ki-kisame..." you smacked his shoulder feeling panicked as a gaint blimp of a round (skin/c) mass was in the place of your belly

"whaaaaat...?!" he whined rolling over just enough to peek a shark-like eye at you "I thought you were over the morning sickness thing" he complained softly

"my belly is huge." You gasped out confused and frightened as your smacking hand gripped onto his arm tightly

"...well, yeah..." he snorted softly "you're what...? 7 months now?" he mumbled turning over more confused by your frightened stature

"7 what?!"

"I think you're still asleep (name)..." he sighed with a sympathetic look. Kisame sat up, wrapped his arms around you and gently pulled you back into the covers. He tucked you both back in and patted your head "go back to sleep, you need your sleep while the baby let's you" he chuckled softly kissing your forehead

You opened your eyes feeling a pressure on your brow. Looking up you saw Kisame's grinning face.


"geez, took you long enough" he playfully complained as you sat up quickly and imeadiatly patted your belly "what kinda dream kept you wanting to stay asleep...?" he teased with a brow reaised



You were met with an empty pillow. Your lover no where to be seen...until you heard a soft chuckle. You sleepily looked around until you felt something on your heavy belly. Looking down and sitting up a tad, your gaze drifted across the side of Hidan's face. The other side pressed to your belly...except your belly was swollen. As if...

"hey! Do you think he can kick yet?!" hidan asked excitedly then looking up at you pouted "ah fuck, did I wake you up again?"

"uh...kinda" you yawned pushing your hair out of your face confusion written across your face

"what's up babe?" he asked with furrowed brows. It was strange for you to look so confused when you woke up

"'he'...?" you blinked looking around making the Jashin-worshipper laugh

"well, yeah! Junior here!" he grinned up at you kissing your belly "it's not fair we have to wait for so Jashin damned long. That fucking bites." He pouted

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