When we offer our Isaac (January 1)

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"God added, 'Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah; offer him there for a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.'

Genesis 22: 2

This is a passage well known to Christians. The Lord made Abraham an easy request. He asked for what was most important, his son Isaac. But Abraham had something he loved more than his own son, the Lord! This love made him trust Dad completely. In the end, the Lord does nothing to Isaac and returns his son to Abraham. Isaac was Abraham's treasure, but he loved the Lord more than his own son. (Matthew 6:21)

But when we offer our Isaac to the Lord, He always gives us back, because Isaac means something that we have a high value for, something that we long for. Isaac is something that we are precious, but it is less than our love for Daddy, that's why the Lord ALWAYS returns Isaac to those who give him as a sacrifice. Shuwo !!!

Offer your Isaac to the Lord today, and soon you will see the result of your victory!

God bless you!

A Message From Daddy To You - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now