Jesus coming to Your kingdom (February 6)

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"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Matthew 6:10

This verse is the part that Jesus teaches our Father's prayer. In this part, you are taught to ask Him to come to His kingdom. But that kingdom is not of this world, it is of the spiritual world. (John 18:36)

But Jesus also says that His kingdom is within each of us who have received Him as their only and sufficient savior. (Luke 17:21; John 1:12)

If the kingdom of Jesus is not of this world, and at the same time that kingdom is within us, we are not automatically of this world either. (John 17:16)

When we are praying for Jesus to come to His kingdom and do His will, we are giving TOTAL freedom to do as He wants in our lives.

We are the kingdom of God!

God bless you!

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