Summoning Angels to Serve Us (February 20)

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"Aren't they all ministering spirits, sent to serve for those who will inherit salvation?"

Hebrews 1:14

We all go through struggles, tribulations and other things. We often don't have the strength to continue. But we have an army on our side ready for battle. Except that many times we don't even remember that. In this passage from the Bible quoted above, he is talking about an army of angels, ready to serve us. (Hebrews 1: 1-14)

It is useless to think that we are superheroes and try to face everything alone. We need to put on the spiritual armor, we need to watch, we need to pray and we need the help of angels. (Ephesians 6: 10-20; Matthew 26:41; Hebrews 1:14) And there is still the Lord who fights for us. (1 Samuel 17:47)

Summon the Lord's army and be a winner!

God bless you!

A Message From Daddy To You - Part 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu