The things that are not seen are eternal (January 7)

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"Not paying attention to what is seen, but to what is not seen; because what is seen is temporal, and what is not seen is eternal."

2 Corinthians 4:18

Believing in the things you see is very easy. The human being is used to things that are easy and quick, but the things that come from the Lord stand the test of time. Everything you see around you is because it already exists, so it's easy to believe what you see. Thomas, at the same time that he was incredulous, he was bold: - "If I don't see the sign of the carnations in your hands, and I don't put my finger there, and I don't put my hand on your side, I will never believe." (John 20:25)

Thomas was an unbeliever, but he was also sincere and courageous. Of course, we must believe without even seeing, just as Jesus spoke to Him, but we must be sincere with the Father. (John 20:29)

Jesus knew that Thomas was unbelieving and sincere, so Jesus came back at that very moment because of him. Jesus wanted to set him free and show the supernatural side of the Christian life.

Today is no different! Jesus wants to free us from this unbelief. We need to pay attention to things that we do not see carnal, but with spiritual eyes. All of this is achieved by faith, for without it we cannot please the Lord. (Hebrews 11: 6)

Faith is the tool that will show us the spiritual side that we cannot yet see, but through faith, we can bring existence. (Hebrews 11: 1)

Give more value to things that cannot be seen yet, but by faith they already exist!

God bless you!

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