Abiding in the Lord (February 24)

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"If you remain in me, and my words in you, ask for what you want, and it will be done to you."

John 15: 7

There is the key to victory! When we stick to what the Lord guides us, everything goes well! The problem that we don't always hear His voice. Not everything we ask pleases the Lord, but when it pleases Him, everything is easier. (Psalm 37: 4)

Sometimes we do not receive something from the Lord, because He knows that it will not be good for us. When there is sometimes a "delay" in reaching our blessing, it is because the Lord is working on our character. In our head it is taking time, but He ALWAYS comes at the right time!

We need to learn to kill our flesh daily, because only then will our blessing be complete. (Galatians 2: 19-20)

God bless you!

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