Highest places (May 31)

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"Now, everyone who eats milk is inexperienced in the word of justice, because he is a child. But solid food is for adults, for those who, through practice, have their faculties exercised to discern not only good, but also evil."

Hebrews 5:1314

The church is entering a time where it needs to fly higher. Milk is a light food, made for children. But God is making the church soar higher, is wanting to give more solid food. This food is a life in the Spirit, where crises, struggles, oppressions, nothing can shake the church. This food can only be purchased for those who want to go higher, that is, closer to God.

It's time for the church to get out of the four walls, and run after what God really wants. The church is the extension of heaven here on earth, so we need to manifest the kingdom everywhere! (Romans 8:19; Mark 16:15)

This food, you can have when you are with God in your room, praying in secret. (Matthew 6:6) God wants to spend more time with the church!

God bless you!

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