Lord's Wedding (March 14)

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"Then he sent other servants, ordering: Say to the guests: Behold, I have my dinner ready; my oxen and barley are already dead, and everything is ready; come to the wedding. his field, another for his business; and the others, taking possession of the servants, outraged and killed them. "

Matthew 22: 4-6

Jesus providing this parable reveals a little of how the church treats His Kingdom. The Lord has prepared a great feast for His church, but it is asleep. He has been looking for the pleasurable things of the flesh. The church has traded the blessing for "dishes of lentils" just like Esau. (Genesis 25:34)

What the Lord has prepared for His church is something very special and unique. (1 Corinthians 2: 9) But we must have an ear for His voice. (Revelation 2: 7)

Are you ready for the Lord's wedding? It will be a bash! You can start today ... It's all up to you!

God bless you!

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