Free children (March 5)

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"Because it is written that Abraham had two sons, one of the slave, and the other of the free. However, what was of the slave was born according to the flesh, but, what was of the free, by promise."

Galatians 4: 22-23

Abraham was under the Lord's promise to have a son. Only he did it in a hasty way, had a son with the slave and not with Sara. God had a promise, but it would have to be done as instructed by Him. The result was that Abraham had a son with the slave. Even so, the Lord did not fail to fulfill what He had promised Abraham and Sarah, and gave them a son. The slave's son came through a rush, and Sara's came under the promise.

What has happened to many is that they receive a promise from the Lord, but do not fully trust Him and end up wanting to "help" the Lord, acting hastily.

Today we can change that! Are we going to be children of the slave or children of the promise? The secret is to trust the Lord fully. (Psalm 37: 5)

God bless you!

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