Chapter 127

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Chapter 127

Ryan paced around his living room, clearly thinking hard.

"Gah!" he exclaimed in frustration, sinking into the couch, head in hands.

"I was so close and she had to go and ruin it!" he yelled to no one. "It was a waste of time trusting someone else,"

He slammed his fist against the cushions, before sighing.

"I'll show them," he muttered. "I will prove it, no matter what,"

Ryan was a geologist not a biologist, so as much as he could attempt to analyse samples, it would not have any credibility in the scientific community. This meant that Ryan was going to have to prove it the old-fashioned way.

Get a live mermaid and show them off to the world.


The next morning, Ryan parked his car in view of where the mermaids usually came from on their way to work and school.

He looked at his watch.


They were late.

30 minutes later, they still had not arrived.

Ryan gritted his teeth. They were playing it safe.

He would have to find out their new routine.

Otherwise, he could always go to Mako.

He knew this was last resort because he would be one person taking on essentially a village of mermaids. He wanted to avoid fighting the adults – last time he had, it hadn't ended well for him.

He would be patient. The mermaids would slip up at some point.


Friday, 3 weeks later

"Do we have to take the boat to school again?" Jay whined as he put his raincoat on, "I miss swimming!"

"Yeah," Alex backed up his brother. "Do we have to?"

Rikki looked up from where she had been helping Ariana with her raincoat.

"Yes, we do," she answered, moving to help Stefani next. "I know it feels like it has been a long time, but we have to stay out of the water near the mainland to keep us safe,"

"But..." Alex started.

"No buts," Rikki interupted gently. "Remember why – we don't want what happened to Jenny to happen to anyone else,"

Rikki stood and took Fi from Zane's arms, then ushered all the children onto the boat.

"You can have a swim around Mako when we get home - just make sure you take an adult with you. We're ready to go, Zane,"

Zane gave her a nod and started driving the boat away from Mako.

Knowing that the mainland house was compromised, the adults had taken to docking at the main thoroughfare, ensuring that there wouldn't be complications getting the kids to school. Since they weren't arriving wet, this wasn't a problem; they just had to leave about 20-30 minutes earlier than they normally would.

As Rikki and Zane were heading off with the children, Ben started chipping away at the village construction. As a building contractor, he could choose what he worked on – at the moment, he could put all his effort into the village. The first week he was still wrapping up a job, but once that was finished he was free.

Anna had tried to encourage him to take more breaks but he reassured her that it was only a little bit more work than a regular week, and reminded her that the physical labour was a different kind of intense since he could use his powers to move things around.

A Fishy Tale, The Sequel - Fanfiction for H2O Just Add WaterWhere stories live. Discover now