Chapter 139

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Chapter 139

It was the evening of the photos release and Isla had just finished work.

Isla threw her backpack into the passenger seat, sat down and put her seatbelt on. Time to drive to get some answers. With all the media attention on Dr Alekhin and Dr Denman, Isla thought it best for the meeting to be discreet. Isla had been surprised at how promptly the marine biologists got back to her about organising a time to meet. She stopped herself from doing too much theorising about why – it might mean she is on track with the mermaid connection to her case. She would leave the overthinking until she was actually meeting with them. She pulled up to Katya Alekhin's house and made her way to the door.

At the knock on the door, Katya got up to greet their guest. They exchanged greetings and Katya invited Isla to join her and Linda inside.

"Would you like a tea or coffee?" Katya offered.

"Um, could I get a water please?"

"Absolutely," Katya smiled and went to the kitchen.

Katya returned with the water for Isla, and tea for Linda and herself.

Isla took a sip of her water.

"So Isla, you wanted to discuss our mermaid research?" Linda inquired.
"Yes. Thank you both so much for agreeing to meet with me. I have so many questions!" Isla began earnestly.

"It is very exciting for us to be able to share this research," Katya smiled at her enthusiasm. "The press is definitely a bit much, but the release seems to be going very well so far."

"The news has taken the world by storm," Isla agreed.

"So, where would you like to start?" Linda prompted.

"I had a question about the nature of mermaids. You said in your research that mermaids live among us. That they have thoughts, feelings and intelligence just like humans, and that they can appear like humans – with legs I that all true?" Isla asked.

Linda and Katya exchanged a brief questioning look.

"All that is true," Katya replied.

"Does that mean that you have met mermaids who live as humans? That you know them as friends? And they have been participating in your research?"

"We have mermaids participating in our research, hence the biological and behavioural data, and photography; they are intelligent and kind. Some live on land with us. But we cannot say anything that would jeopardise their anonymity ," Linda replied diplomatically.

"I understand that" Isla leaned back. "Look. I don't plan on making your or any mermaids' lives harder. I just need answers for my own sanity, and also for a case I am working on,"

Seeing Katya and Linda's weary expression, Isla learned forward and started again.

"You know that I'm a detective?"

The other women nodded.

"I am prepping for a trial at the moment – the prosecution of a kidnapper who believes the children he kidnapped are mers. We have plenty of evidence and a confession to convict him. Prior to the release of this mermaid research, any jury would have believed he was nuts. People would have believed that he was using mermaids as an excuse for his actions. However, now that this research has been released, it adds another factor to the case,"

"How so?" Katya asked, concerned.

"Now, the defence could argue that this kidnapper should not have the same penalty as a kidnapper of human children. Because they were mermaid children - a different species – it would be likening it to the taking of puppies or other young animals. Or it might make the jury more or less sympathetic towards the defendant. I don't know. It might not change anything about his sentence or guilt. But, it is important that I know all I can so that I can answer on the stand – I do not want to cause the jury any doubt of this man's guilt."

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