Chapter 119

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Chapter 119

"Hello, Ryan Tate speaking," Ryan answered.

"Hi Mr Tate, this is Dr Katya Alekhin. I am interested in your research proposal,"

"Oh wow, Dr Alekhin! Thanks for getting back to me," Ryan said eagerly.

"Please, Katya is fine," the researcher replied. "Your letter regarding the investigation of mermaids was intriguing. I have been a researcher in the fields of deep ocean science and marine mythology for many years now, and have a personal interest in proving the existence of ocean creatures talked about in cultural myths and legends. If you have some real evidence of mermaids, I am very interested,"

"I do. But, you won't just want to hear me talk about it. I can bring you some very real evidence – a biological sample from a mermaid,"

"Fantastic. Before we go any further, I believe it will be prudent if we meet in person to discuss. That way we can talk legalities if necessary," Katya replied.

Ryan and Katya organised to meet a few days later. Both were equally excited.


Jake, Jennifer, and Leila were in a clearing near to the mer-village. They were playing catch with a hardened gel-water ball.

"How was Perry's house?" Jennifer asked Jake. The boy had visited his friend's house after their basketball game on the weekend. Perry and Jake were the best of friends. Along with the Jackson's being long-time family friends, Perry was born a merman as well – there were no secrets between them.

"It was really fun," Jake replied. "We played outside, and went on the tramp!"

"Oh cool, I like trampolines too," Leila replied.

"Ooh," Jenny exclaimed. "Do you think we could make one, Jake?"

"Make a trampoline?" Jake asked for clarification.

"Yeah, you have elastic powers right? I think we could do it!" Jenny said.

"Okay, let's give it a go," he replied.

Jenny concentrated. She formed the frame of the trampoline with water first.

"Gel it, Jake," Leila instructed. The frames stood in the clearing.

Jenny then crafted a thin sheet of water above the frames.

"It's a bit too high, Jenny," Leila said, "Lower it a bit...slowly...yes! Perfect,"

As Jenny held the water in place, Jake focused deeply. He turned it into an elastic gel, and fused it with the frames.

"Cool," Leila said. She reached out and shook the makeshift trampoline. "It doesn't seem to be falling apart," she said with a laugh.

"I'm keen to try it," Jenny said with a grin. Jenny created a step (which Jake cured with gel) to fix the problem of not being able to get on the tramp from the ground.

Jake got up first.

"Well it's holding you," Jenny said. "That's good,"

"Moment of truth," Jake said. He jumped.

Jake landed and went flying up again.

"Woohoo," he cheered. It was even springier than a regular trampoline.

"Okay, we're coming on too," Jenny said.

The three kids cheered as the structure not only took their weight, but also let them bounce again and again, high into the sky.

A Fishy Tale, The Sequel - Fanfiction for H2O Just Add WaterWhere stories live. Discover now