Family Outing

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So as my mother Yuri promised, we would have an outing with the whole family this Saturday, I heard how father Masato would leave his phone at home to not get any interruptions. He even booked a table at a western cuisine restaurant, where I could possibly snack on Italian dishes.

"Hmm~ Garlic bread." I fantasized as I took a glance inside my closet. This was the first time I paid real attention to what kind of clothes I owned, previously I was only walking around in the school uniform, so there were no opportunities to wear casual clothes. And inside the house I just paraded in a simple t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, pondering about my life and how it will progress from now on.

"Wait... why does my closet look like something I would usually wear back at home?" I saw coordinated outfits hanging on hangers that looked like they came straight from my timeline. I grabbed one of the sweaters and checked the tag, there was none, meaning this was either handmade or possibly something the system provided for me.

"Could it be there was never a Michi, to begin with?" could it mean that I was actually their daughter and didn't take anyone's place? I shook my head, there was no point in pondering about it because there was no way I could find any answers anywhere, unless the system.

"No let's dress up, I don't have time for philosophy." I took some high-waisted mom jeans, with a mint-green crop top and white bucket hat. Since it was already June, it was important to grab a pair of sunglasses as well. But I still needed somewhere to put my phone in, I found a cute round purse which was in the shape of a cat's head, in gray.

"Listen Cupid, our family is going on an outing, you can't tag along, since we're going to a really crowded place. Please be reasonable and don't eat all the food and water at once, since we don't know how much we will be out there." Cupid seemed to somehow understand what I was saying, so I gave its little ginger head a pat.

"See ya." I left the door open so Cupid could wander around the home freely, and also opened the bathroom door on the way downstairs, so Cupid could access the litter box.

"I'm ready~," I said in a joyful tone, ready for the thrills and adventures of the big city life.

"We were about to call you." mom said, as I started to appraise her outfit. She had a long summer-like dress on, in a light blue shade. I saw her wearing wedged-soled shoes, there was also a white jacket on top of her dress, most likely to protect her arms from the raging sun. Her hair was curled softly, and she looked really stunning. On the other side dad looked just like his everyday self in a suit, but just lost the jacket on the way and changed the white shirt to a blue one. Were they profusely matching colors?

"Michi, shouldn't you get a jacket?" I shook my head, I didn't mind if I got a tan.

"Then at least put suncream on." Before I could even move, she walked away and brought it for me. I tried to take it from her, but she poured it on my arms and spread the cream herself.

"Um... thanks." why even mention it if you were going to do all the work yourself, mom?

Once that was done I finally asked.

"So what do you think about my outfit?" I was proud of it even if my fashion taste was off by like 10 to 15 years.

"You look cute our rebellious daughter, now let's head off." I was confused, so I was wondering why she said that while putting on some white sneakers on my feet. However, only when we stepped onto the subway to get to Shibuya did I realize what she meant. I could tell my fashion sense really stood out from the crowd. I could witness the 00's fashion all over again, I was no doubt fascinated, because it finally felt like I traveled back in time, when I didn't watch only people that were either in school uniforms or black suits.

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