Toman Vs. Valhalla

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It was the 31st of October on a Monday morning, I was making it seem as if I was preparing for school per my usual routine, and so did my older brother, but I could tell right away there were not many items stored in his backpack, maybe just his Valhalla jacket and a knife. Who did he think he was fooling? After we walked outside to show the other party we were on our way to school, once he disappeared from my sight, I ran back home and asked mom for her assistance to change my outfit quickly.

"Is it really necessary for you to go out in the middle of a gang fight?" Despite my high stats, she was still worried for my sake, probably being aware I wasn't familiar with such gang disputes.

"I have to tho... for Tora's sake." I couldn't possibly break her heart by giving her an earnest insight into what her oldest child was up to. How he was carrying around a knife, being solely manipulated to stab his best friend.

"Okay, I will trust you will keep yourself out of danger." She told me while helping me put in the hair extensions.

"But I would prefer if you abounded the mask, I can see it getting in the way." She was aware it would limit my movements.

"Don't worry I will get rid of it in the middle of the fight," I assured her, it being my plan all along. I checked my stats to have some assurance I could win in a fight, with multiple guys.

Intelligence: 75

Luck: 75

Endurance: 74

Agility: 73

Strength: 76

Once my outfit was ready I took my Hornet Honda motorcycle and drove off to the car dump site.

"Took you long enough," Hanma commented, but somehow looked happy to have me on board.

"Let's kick their asses together." I just refused to answer, knowing full well what I was about to do was like stabbing him in the back.

"Hey wait why are you going to the back?" Because I knew that these guys were about to run right into the fight and I didn't wish to be part of the endeavor. So I was chilling with Keisuke and Jun in the back.

"So what are you even planning?" Keisuke asked, sounding like he was kind of suspicious of my intentions.

"Well, I'm still considering whatever I should just scoop you up and drag you back home with me." Let's just say he didn't like the idea so much that he happen to glare in my direction.

"Yea yea I won't get in your way, but I must ask do you have that item on you?" He just sighed but reached inside his pocket to reveal the health potion I granted him.

"You remember my instructions as well, right?" He nodded his head and then we saw the gates opening and all the two gangs flooded in. The representative got punched by Kazutora just like in the manga but right after his speech Ran yelled.

"Go Mikey, my son! Show your uncle who's boss." Ran enjoyed the amount of confusion he created.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Kazutora asked Hanma being also taken aback by the revelation.

"I mean since Michi treats Mikey as her son, I'm the father, then that makes you Mikey's uncle." It looked like Draken was ready to punch him, for creating this circus. Why did he have to bring family issues to a gang fight?

"So aren't I better than Michi? I came to cheer you on, yet your mother is nowhere to be seen." Somehow Mikey seemed more relaxed since Ran brought this strange atmosphere, everything seemed less serious all of a sudden. But I could see Chifuyu stealing glances at me, as he was begging me to stop Ran. I refused, since I wanted to have a spectacular entrance, revealing my face right now wouldn't cause such a shock. Besides I wanted to catch big brother in the act.

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