In Love and War

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  I arrive back at the apartment to find the door already open, slightly ajar. Peeking inside, I find that nothing's been ransacked, or stolen. So...who else could break into my apartment?

Raising an eyebrow, I open the door all the way and enter, the rusty hinges squeaking as I push it open. The living room looks empty, with nothing having been noticeably disturbed.

The door slams shut behind me, and I whip around to find Oswald leaning against the door, his arms stretched up above him like spider legs.

"Well...what have we here?" he chuckles, his grin revealing disgusting, yellowed teeth.

I smile as he begins shambling from the door toward me, the effects of the alcohol not having completely worn off yet, I immediately wrap my arms around him.

"I hope to be spending a wonderful evening with you," Oswald leans in to kiss me.

But suddenly, he stops, and sniffs right at my lips, "You...had coffee?"

I nod, "Yeah, uhm, as a joke, a friend of mine gave me spiked coffee. I should have known when she offered it...oh well."

He holds my head with both hands, and he starts laughing, "You are drunk...aren't you? I can't help but find that incredibly adorable."

"Oh really? Well, I got a little surprise for you," I release myself from his arms, and start walking to the small fridge in my kitchen.

Opening the freezer, I remove Barbara's bottle of champagne, "I don't know, Barbara suggested I give this to you. I'm not sure if you'd like it, have you ever had champagne?"

Oswald shakes his head, "No, Mother would never let me drink..."

I grab a corkscrew from one of the drawers, "Well...this could be our little secret."

I hand the bottle and corkscrew to him while I grab two wine glasses from the cabinet, "Sorry I don't have proper champagne glasses. I'm not much of a drinker either."

"It's fine," he brushes off, plunging the corkscrew into the cork and beginning to twist.

The cork pops out, the champagne bubbling over and spilling out all over Oswald's hands and onto the floor, "Oh dear."

I chuckle, setting down the glasses and walking over to him. He puts the bottle down and holds up his soaked hands in embarrassment. Taking one of his hands, I start sucking his fingers one by one, maintaining eye contact as I lick off the spilled champagne.

He starts shoving his fingers further into my mouth, yanking them in and out of my mouth, with a sickeningly sweet grin.

I pop my mouth out of his fingers and smile, "Mmm...tasty."

Oswald pours two glasses for us and hands one to me. He raises his glass, "To our love, may it flourish forevermore."

We clink glasses and take sips, Oswald pausing briefly before downing the entire glass in one go. He immediately grabs the bottle and pours himself another, "This...tastes excellent."

"Hey, save some for me," I tease, reaching over to run my hand through his hair.

He takes my hand and wraps my arm around his waist. I scoot in closer, resting my head against his chest.

"I love you," I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear.

Oswald remains silent, with me unable to see his expression. After a few moments, he grabs the back of my head and pushes it against him, before leaning down and kissing me on the top of my head.

He whispers in a shaky tone, "Oh, Trixie...always love me."

I get a strange sensation...I...I want to heart's heavy...I...I don't know what else to say.

Birds of a Feather (Oswald Cobblepot)Where stories live. Discover now