Who You Are

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Oswald sits alone at a table in Bamonte's, sitting back in his chair and looking generally pleased with himself. After all, as far as he knew, his Trixie was safe in his pocket. She'd never even dream of doing anything that might endanger her dear friends, so having his men keep tabs on them was the best strategy he could have ever thought of. It was almost too simple, really. And now with Fish Mooney gone, his career is also on the rise. It's a good day to be Oswald.

Maroni, carrying a bottle of champagne, sits down as he pops it open.

"You're sure now? Fish Mooney is done?"

"Well, she tried to bring down Falcone," Oswald's pleased smirk only grows wider, "she failed. Last time I saw her Victor Zsasz had her cornered. We can assume she's either dead or...extremely unwell."

Maroni smiles, as he raises his glass for a toast, "Well then, salud."

He and Oswald clink their glasses, as Maroni continues, "You know, this creates some intriguing opportunities. Falcone will struggle to hold onto her territories, if we move quickly-"

"My thinking exactly," Oswald interrupts, his tone still triumphant, if a little more serious, "in fact, I took the liberty of claiming her nightclub...in your name of course!"

Maroni seems genuinely surprised at this, "You did, huh?" he pauses for several seconds, and Oswald's veneer slowly drops until Maroni completes his thought, "...good thinking."

Oswald laughs, his full smile revealing his sharp, protruding canines, larger and more pronounced than most.

"A bird in the hand is nine-tenths of the law, right?" Maroni jokes, as a server comes up from behind him.

"Yeah!" Oswald agrees, as he sips his champagne, watching Maroni with a wary eye as the server sets a phone on their table.

Maroni jovially picks up the phone, "Speak!"

Oswald puts down his glass, as Maroni's expression rapidly changes, "Hey...", he nods, "as good as...huh...is that right?" Maroni smiles.

Assuming it's good news, Oswald raises his now empty glass.

"You understand why I might be skeptical considering it's you telling me this?" Maroni continues to the unknown person on the phone.

Meanwhile, Oswald picks up the knife beside his plate. You can tell Bamonte's got the silverware cheap, just from how dull and pitiful the knives are. And even then, only a few appreciate the true craftsmanship that goes into such fine weaponry. And what is that...?

Oswald gestures for a waiter to come over.

"Si, signore?"

"It's right there, a smudge," Oswald points out, putting his finger on the knife with alarming familiarity, "don't let it happen again."

He hands the knife to the waiter with a grotesque smile, as Maroni observes him from the other side of the table.

"Maybe a couple of times..." he tells the person on the phone.

He soon hangs up the phone as Oswald has poured himself another glass of champagne, "Not bad news, I hope?"

"Nah, I gotta go upstate...see a guy about a thing. Come with me, we can talk about opportunities," Maroni offers.

Oswald flinches for a second, but his smile is soon back, "Sure! Just let me run home and-"

Before Oswald can stand Maroni is already on his feet, "Uhm, we gotta go now! Right now."

Oswald's grin is growing wider, but is beginning to be stretched thin, "Super!" he chuckles, "I love a road trip. Yay!"

Maroni smiles, but his tone is determined, "Yay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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