Chapter XXIII

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This time again, Dazai had to explain everything to his uncle while taking note that he is actually 'lying' to Chuuya ! he also insisted for the other not to interfere.

Odasaku just sighed :"Next time that you ask me to do something against the school rules, i'll make sure to send you back to your mother !"

"She's never at home, though~" the brunet said as he still was texting his friend but jumped when his uncle whispered into his ear :"You prefer your father then ?"

"No please ! Not him !! I'll help you in the house chores so please !" Dazai begged as if his life was on the line.

His uncle just smirked and went back to his papers but was stopped when the other said with a serious tone :"Hey Odasaku, can you find the adress or the school Toshiyagi Yamada transefered to ?"

"Isn't that the one who transfered just before you come ?" Oda questionned then added as the other nodded :"What are you planning again ?"

"Something i should have done two weeks ago ..." Dazai answered seriously and that sure scared his uncle :"No problems, right ?"

"Odasaku~" the brunet said with a smirk :"Did you forget that teenagers and problems match perfectly together~"

The other sighed again as he tried his best not to imagine the worst scenarios.

"... Then you know what? He kept on staring at me,
Straight into my eyes, like he was getting mad,
Or something … That’s when I got scared.
How strange we are before we die …" Chuuya instently jumped from his seat in joy :"Yes !!! Finally !!"

Dazai cheered for him with a soft smile :"Your hard work finally paid, but you sure shouldn't yell like that on the roof top or the teachers will find out and we won't be able to come here again ... "

The ginger turned at the other with a big grin :"Yosh! Tonight, i'll finish revising Literature and i'll start History now that i can read !! finally ..." he said as he set down again and leaned on the other's shoulder.

"It's good to be motivated but don't tire yourself too much, okay." Dazai adviced as he thought that the other surely didn't realize what he's doing.

"This is all thanks to you again ... i can really not figure out what i did in my life to deserve you ..." the ginger whispered softly.

Dazai thought that he could try to pull the other even closer as he still was in the same position but the second he lifted his arm, the other backed away while blushing and apologizing. "Not yet, i guess ..." he thought then answered :"This is all thanks to your hard work, not me ... besides, you deserve way more ... if only you let me give you more ..."

"What-" Chuuya didn't finish his sentence when the other remembered something :"Ah ... don't wait for me this afternoon, i have something to do so sorry for letting you go alone ."

"I can go with you .. if you want ..." Chuuya suggested then regreted it the second after as he realized that he maybe was forcing himself on the other.

"It will take some time and you have all these subjects to revise so let's leave it to another time ." Dazai said with a soft smile before the bell rings indicating the start of the afternoon classes.

"Look who is heading out alone today~" the bitch said as Chuuya was going out but of course, she didn't let him pass :"Your so precious friend that you're getting wet for at night isn't with you today ?"

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