Mike ° I'm here

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Summary; You've been trying to make Mike happy ever since El had disappeared, things get out of hand.

I positioned my bike properly and started making my way to the Wheelers door, I knocked a few times and waited. The door swung open revealing Mrs. Wheeler.

"Y/N! Hello hun. Come in!" She said with her warm smile, I thanked her and placed my jacket on the rack.

"Mike's in the basement." She mentioned, I nodded and slowly started making my way through the kitchen and to the basement. My steps down the stairs were quiet, I could hear a voice.
It was Mike talking into the radio again, I know he missed El, a lot. I feel like I don't know my best friend anymore, he hardly speaks to me due to him mopping around.

"Mike, I'm here." I spoke as I reached the last step, I examined as he was sitting in the fort he had made El 2 months ago.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a raised brow, I blinked and watched as he stood up and made his way to the couch. I walked over and sat next to him.

"I- I came to hang." I replied, he nodded a no.

"I don't need you here." He spat back rudely, my heart dropped... "I'm busy so if you could leav- Busy? Busy doing what? Talking to a walkie talkie that won't reply?" I spat back and stood up.

Mike had stood up aswell and faced me,

"You don't know anything! god you're annoying, IF I COULD SWITCH YOU FOR EL I WOULD!" He yelled, my eyes had started watering. I took a few steps back and analysed his face, it looked like he meant it.

"Ever since El happened you totally forgot about me, our friendship and our trust, I was there for you when you needed me, to tell you that everything's going to be okay....Well don't worry about being my friend anymore... and if I could switch with El just to make you happy then I would, at least then you wouldn't bug me or put me down." I yelled back, my nostrils had flared and I needed to leave. My heels turned and I started making my way up the stairs so I could ditch this stupid argument.

————should I do part 2? ❤️🖐🏼

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